NASTAD Updates

2023 Hepatitis Awareness Month_2

Hepatitis Awareness Month

Happy Hepatitis Awareness Month! This month is a great time to increase viral hepatitis awareness and education in our communities and to highlight programs that your jurisdictions are supporting to increase viral hepatitis prevention, screening and treatment. 

This year for Hepatitis Awareness Month, CDC DVH is highlighting three weekly themes, each with corresponding social media content: 

  • Reaching key populations and high-impact settings (May 6-10), 

  • Protecting young families and pregnant persons (May 13-17), 

  • Accelerating hepatitis C point-of-care testing to expand test-to-cure, (May 20-24). 

Click here for these resources and more from CDC. Additional Hepatitis Awareness Month resources can be found below: 

We are excited to learn more about any commemorative events or activities you all are doing this month, so feel free to share with us. 

NASTAD Membership Directory Update

We are updating our membership directory to include both viral hepatitis prevention and surveillance points of contact. Please provide the contact information for your jurisdiction here, and review the current directory here. Thank you!  

Upcoming NASTAD-led Work Group Calls 

April and May 2024 Workgroup Calls (Additional information about the workgroups can be found after the break) 

  • Hepatitis C Linkage to Care Workgroup 
  • Outbreak Detection Planning Workgroup
  • Hepatitis Workgroup Call
  • Perinatal Surveillance and Case Management Workgroup

Hepatitis Workgroup Calls 

Bimonthly call to discuss recent hepatitis updates. Each meeting includes updates on hepatitis advocacy and policy, and drug user health. Participants are encouraged to send in Hot Topics for discussion to prior to the meeting. For meeting link, please email Zakiya Grubbs ( or Isabel Lechuga ( 

  • Schedule: Bimonthly calls every first Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM ET 
  • Upcoming dates: June 4, August 6, October 1, 2024 
  • Intended Audience: Closed to health department prevention and surveillance staff. 

Hepatitis C Linkage to Care Workgroup

This workgroup, led by Amelia Salmanson, Utah Viral Hepatitis Coordinator and HepTAC consultant, is a space to share best practices and learn from other jurisdictions about disease intervention specialists (DIS), linkage to care, and patient navigation.

Perinatal Surveillance and Case Management Workgroup 

For jurisdictions looking to start or have previously established a perinatal hepatitis surveillance and case management program, this space is for sharing challenges and breakthroughs. Discussion topics include identifying cases within existing surveillance, developing a registry, infant follow-up testing and case management, and provider outreach. 

Outbreak Detection Planning Work Group 

Collaborative space for jurisdictions to discuss developing and implementing an outbreak response plan for Hepatitis A, B, and C. Jurisdictions can share best practices and outbreak response activities, including monitoring surveillance data to identify outbreaks.

  • Schedule: Monthly calls every fourth Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM ET 
  • Upcoming dates: May 28, June 18, 2024 (note the date has changed) 
  • Intended audience: Health department prevention and surveillance staff working on developing and implementing an outbreak response plan as a part of PS 21-2103 Component 1 grant activities. 
  • Registration: 

Newer Hepatitis Staff Calls

These calls are being restructured in 2023 and are open to all new hepatitis health department staff who started their roles in the respective quarter of the call date. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet-and-greet others and familiarize themselves with NASTAD’s Newer Hepatitis Staff Toolkit. Reach out to to be added to the invitation. 

  • Schedule: Quarterly calls from 2:00 - 3:00 PM ET 
  • Upcoming dates: June 24, September 23, 2024 
  • Intended Audience: Newer hepatitis program staff (e.g. program coordinators, surveillance staff, etc.) 

VLC Recordings/Upcoming Sessions

HepTAC Virtual Learning Collaborative Logo_Horizonatal

On May 15, we will host a VLC session, “Implementing anti-racist and harm reduction practices into elimination planning and VH activities,” with presentations by presentations by Dziko Singelton, HepNET Leading with Lived Experience Consultant, Bronwyn Barnett, New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, and Kelly Bachiochi, Vermont Department of Health, and Jonathan Stewart and Emma Geurts, JSI, with a moderated discussion led by Chloe Manchester, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention and HepTAC consultant. 

Earlier this month, we held a special VLC session on “Dried Blood Spot Testing Workgroup” with panel discussion led by Amelia Salmanson, Utah Department of Health and HepTAC Consultant and participants Linda Styer and Martha Gohlke, New York Department of Health, and Jon Stockton and Patrick Dinwiddie, Washington Department of Health. Recordings can be found here

We are looking for speakers to share their viral hepatitis expertise during the Virtual Learning Collaborative Year 3. Please indicate on this form which dates and topics you are interested in presenting or moderating. Thank you! 

Please visit the VLC microsite for more information and to watch recordings from previous VLC sessions.

Hepatitis Policy Updates 

NASTAD Calls on Congress to Fund CDC, HRSA in FY2025  

On March 26, NASTAD and the CDC Coalition called on Congress to provide strong funding for the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and its programs in the FY2025 spending bill. The coalition highlighted CDC’s role in combating health threats and epidemics, including HIV and viral hepatitis, and developing a strong public health workforce and disease surveillance infrastructure. Notably, 80% of CDC funding supports public health and prevention activities through state, tribal, local and territorial health organizations and agencies, national public health partners and academic institutions.  

Additionally, on April 1, NASTAD and the Friends of HRSA Coalition called on Congress to provide strong funding for programs housed under the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in the FY2025 spending bill. HRSA operates key health programs serving people with HIV or viral hepatitis, including federally qualified community health centers and the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. The coalition highlighted HRSA’s role in improving the health of people at highest risk for poor health outcomes by increasing access to quality, affordable care across its many programs.  

NASTAD Submits Comment on Bipartisan 340B RFI  

On April 1, NASTAD responded to a bipartisan Congressional request for information (RFI) on the 340B Drug Pricing Program and the SUSTAIN 340B Act. The comment letter highlights the critical role that 340B program grantees, especially AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAPs), fill to meet the needs of patients with unique and often complex pharmacologic needs, including HIV and viral hepatitis care. NASTAD called on Congress to reject attempts to impose geographic or specialty pharmacy restrictions and support efforts to integrate telehealth service arrangements between patients and covered entities.

Additional Updates 

HepNET Logo

Hepatitis National Network for Education and Testing (HepNET) 

Formed through a partnership between NASTAD, NVHR and NACCHO, the Hepatitis Network for Education and Testing (HepNET) is a collaborative initiative dedicated to advancing racial justice and health equity in viral hepatitis care, with a focus on people who use drugs. Click here to become a member completely free! Members get access to HepNET's resource warehouse, webinars and events, invitations, technical assistance opportunities, and the chance to participate in HepNET's learning communities. 

Purple spotlights on a stage.

HepTAC Consultant Spotlight 

Did you know that the Hepatitis team works closely with many consultants to support TA requests and resource development? HepTAC Consultants provide valuable expertise in hepatitis prevention and surveillance. Each month we will spotlight a different consultant so that you can get to know them better. Information on all consultants can be found here and if you would like to request TA, please email

Chloe Manchester, HepTAC Consultant 

Headshot of Chloe Manchester, HepTAC Consultant

Chloe Manchester is an Epidemiologist with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC). Her work focuses on Viral Hepatitis surveillance as part of the Division of Infectious Disease Surveillance for the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Chloe also serves as the Viral Hepatitis Subject Matter Expert for Maine CDC. Chloe studied epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and has worked in multiple countries around the world. In addition to viral hepatitis Chloe’s public health experience includes immunization, maternal, reproductive and child health and tuberculosis. This work has brought Chloe to Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Madagascar and Nepal, to name a few.  

Notepad with the words, "HOT TOPIC" written in black and underlined in yellow highlighter

Hot Topics: HepTAC TA Requests 

We have received a few TA requests recently and we are requesting your assistance: 

  • We are interested in learning what languages are hepatitis educational materials available in your jurisidiction, and if you all can share these materials to add to the resource bank. Also, we would like to know what languages you need support in creating materials. 
  • We are in the process of developing an adult hepatitis immunization resource and want to know what you all would like to be included. Please fill out the survey here or reach out to us directly. 
  • Examples of viral hepatitis outbreak detection and response plans 

If you have any information on the above TA requests, please email Thank you! 

Partner Updates

Submit an abstract to the Hepatitis Pathway at USCHA 

This year, the United States Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) will be held in New Orleans, LA, from September 12-15, 2024. The AIDS Institute andNASTAD are excited to be co-hosting the Hepatitis Pathway at USCHA for the seventh consecutive year. We hope this year’s Pathway will consist of a variety of topics related to the amazing viral hepatitis initiatives in your jurisdictions. Do you have a best practice, lesson learned, story, or an amazing program to highlight? Then apply to present as part of the Pathway! 

If you are interested in presenting, please submit an abstract to Zakiya and Naomi detailing your presentation by May 24th. We are looking for presentations that are anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes in length. Submissions are strongly encouraged from individuals with or affected by viral hepatitis, liver disease, HIV and/or substance use, and/or from the South. Those who have their abstracts accepted will be notified in early June. For more information or any questions, please email Zakiya or Naomi

OIDP Invites Public Comment on Proposed Viral Hepatitis Quality Measures 

The HHS Office of Infectious Disease Policy is requesting public comments on the “clinical significance, usability, feasibility, and likely uptake of hepatitis C screening and hepatitis C treatment initiation quality measures” and other viral hepatitis measures to add to the Medicaid Adult Core Set. This opportunity to provide feedback follows the March 2024 technical consultation meeting that included discussion amongst providers, federal partners, and state Medicaid and health department viral hepatitis programs (recording and slides here). More information can be found here, and the link to the federal register with directions for public comments can be found here. Comments should be emailed to by June 7, 2024 at 5 pm ET. 


NVHR Fact Sheet: Dried Blood Spot: A Sample Collection Method For HCV That Can Meet People Where They Are

World Hepatitis Alliance eLearning Course: Community Impact Programme

Hepatitis B United Toolkit: Hepatitis B Toolkit for Harm Reduction and Hepatitis B Screening Guide for People Who Use Drugs

Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination Policy Briefs: Consequences of Inaction: Time for High and Low Burden Countries to Accelerate Steps to Eliminate Hepatitis C

AIM Fact Sheet: Birthing Institutions and the Vaccines for Children Program

Upcoming Webinars/Meetings   

Upcoming Webinars

The Role of Community Health Centers in Eliminating Hepatitis C in the United States

May 14, 2024 at 1 PM ET | Registration 

Updates on Hepatitis B & C for Patients

May 16, 2024 at 3 PM ET | Registration 

Preventing hepatitis B infection in US Adults

May 21, 2024 at 2 PM ET | Registration 

B Informed! a Hepatitis B Virtual Education Series

May 21, 2024 at3 pm ET | Registration 

Hepatitis B Prevention: Making Vaccination a Year-round Priority

In support of May Hepatitis Awareness Month, and the goal of hepatitis elimination, please join Dynavax Technologies for a live educational webinar series.

Archived Webinars  

Global Updates: Hepatitis B World Health Organization Guidelines 

CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment (CHAC) April 9-10, 2024 Meeting

New Medicaid Opportunities to Combat Hepatitis C in Correctional Facilities

HepNET - Addressing Xylazine in Viral Hepatitis Care Settings

Recurring Meetings

CSTE Viral Hepatitis Subcommittee Meetings | First Thursday, every other month at 3 PM ET 

The Viral Hepatitis Subcommittee holds regular conference calls and webinars to discuss current issues and overarching topics related to viral hepatitis surveillance, such as best practices and lessons learned across jurisdictions, policy around viral hepatitis surveillance, and analyzing viral hepatitis data. For more information, click here

Conferences/Events (National & Local) 

NASTAD 2024 Annual Meeting 

May 19-22, 2024 | Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC 

NASTAD’s annual membership meeting will take place this year from May 19 to 22, 2024. Registration is now open and the fee is $850. During this year’s meeting, we will be conducting Hill Visits for interested NASTAD members. Registration for Hill visits can be found with the main meeting registration. For travel and logistics questions, please contact

CSTE Annual Conference 

June 9-13, 2024 | Pittsburgh, PA | Registration can be found here 

NASTAD National HIV and Hepatitis Technical Assistance Meeting 

Save the Date: October 16-18, 2024 | Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC 

2024 Northeast Regional Epidemiology Conference 

November 7-8, 2024 | Atlantic City, NJ 

Northeast Regional Epidemiology Conference (NEEPI), which is a regional public health conference focusing on epidemiology initiatives, responses, and partnerships. The nine participating states are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont. There will be viral hepatitis track and the request for abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be opening in the coming months. 

Jobs, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities

Hep B United Mini-Grants Program 2024 Request for Funding Proposal 

The Mini-Grants program will support up to seven awards for Hepatitis B United (HBU) coalition partners to provide hepatitis B education, prevention, testing and linkage to care services. Applications are open until May 31, 2024. More information can be found here, and the application should be submitted here

Hepatitis C Epidemiologist | Wisconsin Department of Health Services | Closes May 23, 2024 by midnight.


Publications Logo


Viral hepatitis is a silent killer. It can’t be eliminated if it isn’t tracked

The hepatitis C care cascade in California state prisons: Screening and treatment scale-up and progress toward elimination, 2016–2023

What Is Hepatitis D Infection?

Communities Within the Hepatitis C Community

U.S. Lags Behind Other Countries in Hepatitis-C Treatment

Changes in Use of Hepatitis C Direct-Acting Antivirals After Access Restrictions Were Eased by State Medicaid Programs