Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction resources and services aim to reduce suffering and death among people using drugs, engaging in sex work, and experiencing housing instability. Harm reduction as a philosophy and a social justice movement centers and empowers people with experience of marginalization and criminalization.

NASTAD encourages all governmental public health programs to examine current efforts – through a health equity lens – and explore the potential for implementing and expanding additional evidence-based harm reduction approaches.

Request Technical Assistance

If you would like to request TA from NASTAD, please reach out to the Drug User Health team directly at DrugUserHealthTA@nastad.org.

As of Friday, December 1, 2023, NASTAD, National Harm Reduction Coalition, and University of Washington are no longer affiliated with the CDC- and SAMHSA-funded National Harm Reduction TA Center. We hope to have more information soon on the status of the TA Center and what this transition means for you as community members requesting trusted harm reduction TA and resources. In the meantime, we at NASTAD remain committed to providing assistance to SSPs and community-based harm reduction programs, people who use drugs, and health departments supporting these efforts across the country. Please feel free to contact our team at the email address above to discuss potential options for continued TA.