Ending the HIV Epidemic
The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE): A Plan for America is an initiative launched by the federal government as a collaborative effort to address the HIV epidemic in the United States. Announced in February 2019, the goal of this initiative is to direct support to the cities, counties, states, and rural regions most impacted by HIV within the United States (U.S.) and U.S. territories. The EHE initiative aims to reduce new HIV infections by 75% in five years and by 90% in 10 years. This goal will be achieved by focusing on innovative and comprehensive efforts around four areas or "pillars": diagnose, treat, prevent and respond.

The Four EHE Pillars
- DIAGNOSE all people with HIV as early as possible.
- TREAT people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression.
- PREVENT new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and syringe services programs (SSPs).
- RESPOND quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them.
Source: HHS, 2020
NASTAD's Role as a National Partner
In 2019, NASTAD was awarded a five-year cooperative agreement through the CDC PS19-1906 Component A funding serving as the national partner to enhance state and local health departments’ capacity to end the epidemic through technical assistance and capacity building. NASTAD is providing support for the 57 jurisdictions, named as recipients of CDC PS19-1906 Component B, also known as "Phase 1 jurisdictions", that have been prioritized throughout this initiative.
NASTAD will assist jurisdictions in identifying existing and new stakeholders, as well as disseminating best practices, innovative approaches, and interventions that will advance EHE progress in all jurisdictions.
This funding also supports important policy efforts, including:
- policy analysis and interpretation (e.g., tracking state and local activity on policies and laws relevant to HIV programs);
- developing policy-related educational products to state health departments and national policy stakeholders;
- analyzing and interpreting national and jurisdictional-level data in areas of HIV prevention and surveillance policies and programs; and
- providing support and technical assistance to health departments on ways to effectively communicate with and educate policymakers about their HIV prevention, surveillance, and treatment programs.
NASTAD is proud to partner with NCSD, CSTE, and NACCHO to provide comprehensive technical assistance and support to Phase 1 jurisdictions.
For additional information and data support, reference HHS’s AHEAD Dashboard. AHEAD is "one tool" supporting and/or tracking the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE). AHEAD helps track the six EHE indicators in areas with the highest burden of HIV. It complements and serves as one of many important implementation elements of the EHE initiative and the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. This interactive dashboard can be used to inform planning and is a starting place to explore other HIV data sources.
NASTAD's Role as Systems Coordinator Provider (SCP)
NASTAD also serves as the Systems Coordination Provider (HRSA-20-089) for health department HIV care programs funded by the EHE initiative under HRSA-20-078. In this capacity, NASTAD aims to support Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) grantees in coordinating EHE activities across funding streams and assist these health departments in bringing to the table non-traditional stakeholders that can advance their EHE efforts.
NASTAD’s SCP project aims to:
- Support RHWAP Part A and B programs coordinate EHE planning activities, align EHE funding sources, and increase collaboration across programs funded by the EHE initiative.
- Assist health departments in engaging new health system stakeholders, such as primary care providers, health plans, and social service provider networks that have not been involved in EHE efforts.
- Disseminate best practices and innovative approaches to advance RWHAP Part A and B programs’ capacity to meet their EHE goals.
NASTAD is partnering with JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), the Association of State Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), and Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC).
The SCP project will also coordinate closely with Cicatelli Associates, Inc. (CAI), the Technical Assistance Provider funded by HRSA for the EHE initiative. The TAP is responsible for providing technical assistance to health departments on the implementation of work plan activities, innovative approaches, and interventions.
The 57 Phase 1 Jurisdictions
- Arizona: Maricopa County
- California: Alameda County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, Sacramento County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Francisco County
- Florida: Broward County, Duval County, Hillsborough County, Miami-Dade County, Orange County, Palm Beach County, Pinellas County
- Georgia: Cobb County, DeKalb County, Fulton County, Gwinnett County
- Illinois: Cook County
- Indiana: Marion County
- Louisiana: East Baton Rouge Parish, Orleans Parish
- Maryland: Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County
- Massachusetts: Suffolk County
- Michigan: Wayne County
- Nevada: Clark County
- New Jersey: Essex County, Hudson County
- New York: Bronx County, Kings County, New York County, Queens County
- North Carolina: Mecklenburg County
- Ohio: Cuyahoga County, Franklin County, Hamilton County
- Pennsylvania: Philadelphia County
- Tennessee: Shelby County
- Texas: Bexar County, Dallas County, Harris County, Tarrant County, Travis County
- Washington: King County
- Washington, DC
- Puerto Rico: San Juan Municipio
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Kentucky
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
EHE Spotlight Video Series
Download the EHE Jurisdictional Directory
The Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Jurisdictional Directory lists local and state points of contact for community engagement activities. Aiming to increase community participation, the directory also includes EHE websites, EHE jurisdictional plans, and social media accounts whenever they are available. NASTAD maintains the directory as the HRSA-20-089 Systems Coordination Provider and CDC PS19-1906 National Partner. The directory is available through NASTAD’s EHE website and used to populate other resources. Health department staff members are encouraged to update their jurisdiction’s information using this brief form.
National TA Providers
- Natalie O. Cramer I Deputy Executive Director I 202.897.0115 I ncramer@NASTAD.org
- Kristina Santana, MPH | Associate Director, Prevention | 202.897.0035 | ksantana@NASTAD.org
- Emily McCloskey I Director, Policy & Legislative Affairs I 202.897.0078 I emccloskey@NASTAD.org
- Symone Richardson | Program Analyst | 770.458.3811 | srichardson@CSTE.org
- Lindsay Jordan Pierce | Infectious Disease Programs Manager | 770.458.3811 | lpierce@CSTE.org
- Leonardo “Leo” Parker I Director, Prevention Programs I 202.990.8555 I lparker@NCSDDC.org
- Randy May I Director, HIV & Harm Reduction I 202.888.0441 I RMay@naccho.org
- Julia Zigman I Senior Program Analyst, HIV I 202.507.4268 I jzigman@NACCHO.org
- Darnell Barrington I Senior Program Analyst, HIV & Harm Reduction I 202.783.5550 I dbarrington@naccho.org
If you would like to contact any of the Phase 1 Jurisdictions, please reach out to Kristina Santana at NASTAD.
Request TA
NASTAD is available to provide TA and support to Phase 1 EHE Jurisdictions working to implement EHE activities across the four pillars (Diagnose, Prevent, Treat and Respond).
To request TA from NASTAD, EHE health departments should complete NASTAD’s TA Request Form.
TA is tailored to the specific needs and goals of the health department:
- NASTAD staff can deliver TA virtually or in-person.
- NASTAD partners with other TA providers such as NCSD, CSTE, and NACCHO to ensure comprehensive TA is provided to EHE jurisdictions.
NASTAD’s TA offerings include but are not limited to the following topic areas:
- Meeting facilitation and action planning for EHE
- Building and/or enhancing new and existing relationships and partnership
- Communicating with & educating policymakers about EHE plans
- Policy and legal epidemiology analysis
- Assist health departments with the development of comprehensive policies that support the implementation of their EHE plans
- HIV workforce development
- Self-testing
- PrEP and telePrEP access
- Partner services
- Status neutral approaches
- Social determinants of health
- Peer to peer learning for EHE implementation
- Dissemination of best practices and resources for EHE implementation
- Building and/or enhancing new or existing partnerships with the private sector
Not ready to request TA but interested in learning more about NASTAD’s TA? Please reach out to Krupa Mehta.
EHE Newsletter
NASTAD, with collaboration from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), and the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD), distributes a monthly newsletter to Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America Phase 1 jurisdictions. The newsletter will inform recipients of EHE-related policy updates, communications from federal partners, success stories, and any other related EHE information. For questions, comments, or content contributions, please contact Mike Weir.