NASTAD and RAISE Webinar Series

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Launched in August 2022, the Research Alliance in Implementation Science to End HIV (RAISE) Hub aims to advance the implementation of Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) initiatives. As the national technical assistance provider for EHE, NASTAD is proud to collaborate with The University of Washington/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research on the RAISE Hub.

The Hub promotes evidence-based interventions; supports EHE-funded implementation research projects; connects health departments with researchers to respond to health department needs; and provides technical assistance to EHE Phase 1 Jurisdictions on IS methodologies, frameworks, strategies, and outcomes. As a part of this collaboration, NASTAD and RAISE host monthly webinars on implementation science topics. Learn more about the RAISE Hub here.

June 5, 2024

Developing Information-sharing Standards through Community (DISCO): Application of a Deliberative Democracy Framework to Ryan White Programming in New York City

Presenters from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene discussed the DISCO study, which aims to create client-centered standards for sharing HIV surveillance data with Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A (RWPA) service providers to facilitate HIV care delivery. View the webinar here.

April 23, 2024

Engaging Healthcare Organizations for HIV Prevention and Care

In the final webinar of the three-part series “Addressing Priorities in HIV Testing”, panelists discussed Public Health Seattle King County’s EHE Healthcare Collaborative. The Collaborative aims to support healthcare organizations providing HIV prevention and care across King County. Members of the Collaborative discussed the structure of their partnerships, the challenges they face in this work, and best practices for engaging healthcare organizations in public health initiatives. View the webinar here.

March 20, 2024

Optimizing Service Delivery in Sexual Health Clinics

In this second webinar of a three-part series, "Addressing Priorities in HIV Testing", panelists shared experiences implementing HIV prevention and care in sexual health clinics. View the webinar here.

February 29, 2024

Addressing Priorities in HIV Testing: Utilizing Universal Testing in Health Care Settings

In this first webinar of a three-part series, "Addressing Priorities in HIV Testing", panelists shared their experiences implementing opt-out HIV testing in emergency departments. Speakers discussed the structure of their initiatives, strategies used, and challenges faced. View the webinar here.

January 23, 2024

Program Evaluation Essentials for EHE

This webinar discussed key evaluation methods and provided applied examples of public health HIV program evaluations. View the webinar here.

November 20, 2023

Academic-Public Health Partnerships: Navigating Collaborations to Advance HIV/AIDS Public Health Programming and Research

During this webinar, panelists from public health departments and universities shared their experiences with academic-health department collaborations, including how partnerships are formed and the challenges and successes of collaborations. View the webinar here.

October 26, 2023

Time-Motion Studies: Pragmatic Applications to HIV Public Health Program Evaluation

This webinar reviewed the benefits and limitations of utilizing time-motion studies for evaluating public health activities. View the webinar here.

July 19, 2023

Best Practices for Community Engagement from a Public Health Perspective

Presenters from Public Health Seattle & King County and the University of Washington discussed community engagement best practices, from a public health perspective. The discussion focused on approaches to assessing community preferences for health interventions. View the webinar here.

June 21, 2023

Integrating Implementation Science Methods into Health Department HIV Programs & Evaluation

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s presented their efforts to incorporate implementation science methods into HIV programming & evaluation. View the webinar here.

May 17, 2023

Low-Barrier Care as Part of Differentiated Service Delivery for People with HIV

This webinar explored low-barrier HIV care, its purpose and design, and discussed how Public Health for Seattle & King County’s (PHSKC) HIV/STD Program has implemented this model. View the webinar here.

May 2, 2023

Visualizing Complexity: Pragmatic Approaches to Process Mapping for Public Health Departments

This webinar provided a didactic overview of process mapping and discussed a case study wherein a health department utilized process mapping to improve HIV programming. View the webinar here.

March 23, 2023

Implementation Science: What is it, and what does it mean for Ending the HIV Epidemic

This webinar provided an overview of implementation science and discussed how implementation science research can be integrated into Ending the HIV Epidemic activities at health departments. View the webinar here.

January 24, 2023

Public Health Priorities to End the HIV Epidemic: Opportunities for Implementation Science Research and Academic-Public Health Collaboration

This webinar shared opportunities for implementation science research and collaboration between academia and public health as part of Ending the HIV Epidemic. View the webinar here.