Health Care Access

The Health Care Access team supports state and territorial health department HIV programs implement comprehensive and equity-centered state-of-the-art medical care, treatment, and support services to all people living with HIV/AIDS, in alignment with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy and efforts to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.
The Health Care Access team works closely with NASTAD’s Health Systems Integration, Viral Hepatitis, Drug User Health, Prevention, Health Equity, and Policy & Legislative Affairs teams to identify and maximize health department and community program integration, coordination, and partnerships.
Health Care Access Expertise
NASTAD is a leading expert in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) policy, legislation, and program implementation, with a primary focus on ensuring access to innovative and integrative care and treatment services:
- AIDS Drug Assistance Programs (ADAP): RWHAP Part B ADAPs provide lifesaving treatment access to one-third of all individuals diagnosed with HIV in the U.S. Through a Part B ADAP training and technical assistance cooperative agreement with HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau and other funding partnerships, the Health Care Access team utilizes its staff, consultancy, and organization-wide expertise to strengthen and sustain the capacity of ADAPs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories.
- National RWHAP Part B & ADAP Monitoring Project (NPBAMP): For more than 25 years, NASTAD NPBAMP’s ADAP formulary database and annual program budget, utilization, and outcomes survey have been widely utilized instruments in assessing the impact of these vital safety net programs.
- ADAP Crisis Task Force: NASTAD convenes the ADAP Crisis Task Force, which works to secure and maintain reduced prices for essential antiretroviral drugs and biologics, as well as medications for viral hepatitis, AIDS-related opportunistic illnesses, and HIV-associated complications. The resulting cost savings have allowed ADAPs to maximize their eligibility criteria, establish comprehensive formularies, and fund antiretroviral treatment support services essential to achieving health equity among people living with HIV/AIDS.
- Trauma-informed approaches (TIA) and health equity: The application of trauma-informed approaches has rapidly evolved in health care and social service settings. In response to the field’s movement to center racial equity and healing-centered approaches, select NASTAD resources to articulate the connections between resilience and healing and trauma and racial equity. NASTAD provides technical assistance, a Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit, tools/assessments, and other resources to support RWHAP Parts to center health and racial equity and become trauma-informed.
Request Technical Assistance
For all TA inquiries or requests made by RWHAP Part B Programs & ADAPs, please submit your ask to