Newsletter: Hepatitis

Hepatitis Happenings and Updates

NASTAD Updates

Welcome Phillip! 

We are super excited for you all to meet our newest team member Phillip Rideoutt II! Phillip started with NASTAD in November leading our CDC DVH funded HepNET cooperative agreement, planning the next iterations of the Learning Community and Leading with Lived Experience Consultants training. We are so glad to have Phillip on the team! 

HepTAC 2.0 Launch 

We are very pleased to announce the launch of NASTAD’s HepTAC 2.0 Technical Assistance Platform in collaboration with CDC’s Division of Viral Hepatitis. Under HepTAC 2.0, we are continuing services you all know and love such as technical assistance, the Virtual Learning Collaborative, and the workgroups. We are committed to supporting jurisdictions through the closeout of PS 21-2103 and future cooperative agreements, so if you have any ideas for how we can best support your efforts please let us know. 

Viral Hepatitis Community Platform Roll Out on SharePoint 

As you all may know, the NPIN Integrated Viral Hepatitis Community was recently closed late last year. In its place, NASTAD and the Division of Viral Hepatitis are in the process of rolling out a collaborative platform on Microsoft SharePoint for PS 21-2103 grantees. We will be in communication soon about the site roll out and access. 

NASTAD 2025 Annual Meeting 

May 18-21, 2025 | Washington, DC 

Registration is open for the NASTAD 2025 Annual Meeting, which will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert St NW Washington, DC 20008, May 18 – 21, 2025. Please use this link to book your hotel by April 14, 2025

The official NASTAD membership meeting will begin on Sunday, May 18 at 3:00 PM (ET) and conclude on Wednesday, May 21 at 12:00 PM (ET). Additionally, we are excited to once again offer the pre-meeting, “New Member Orientation” for new members and first-time attending health department staff.  This session will be held from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM on Sunday, May 18. We strongly encourage new members to register and attend. 

Please complete the online registration by no later than March 31, 2025 to receive the early bird registration fee of $795. Instructions regarding payment can be found on the online registration form. Beginning April 1, the registration fee increases to $900. If you have any questions regarding registration or logistics for the meeting, please contact Meetings & Travel. Please contact Natalie Cramer if you have questions regarding the meeting agenda.  

Upcoming NASTAD-led Work Group Calls 

HepTAC 2.0 Logo

March 2025 Workgroup Calls (Additional information about the workgroups can be found after the break) 

Bimonthly Hepatitis Workgroup Calls

Bimonthly call to discuss recent hepatitis updates for health departments implementing viral hepatitis activities in their jurisdiction regardless of funding source. Each meeting includes updates on hepatitis advocacy and policy, and drug user health. Participants are encouraged to send in Hot Topics for discussion to prior to the meeting. For meeting link, please email Zakiya Grubbs ( or Isabel Lechuga ( 

  • Schedule: Bimonthly calls every second Tuesday from 3 - 4 PM ET
  • Upcoming dates: March 11, May 13, July 8, September 9, November 13, 2025
  • Intended audience: Closed to health department staff implementing viral hepatitis activities. 

Newer Hepatitis Staff Calls

These calls are open to all new (or newish) hepatitis health department staff who started their roles and are interested in networking and learning more about what their peers are working on their respective jurisdictions. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet-and-greet others and familiarize themselves with NASTAD’s Newer Hepatitis Staff Toolkit. This workgroup is facilitated by HepTAC Advisory Committee member Chloé Manchester. 

Telehealth Workgroup (new!) 

To support viral hepatitis programs in sharing best practices in implementing a telehealth program within their jurisdiction. This workgroup is facilitated by HepTAC Advisory Committee member Heath Johnson (IA). 

  • Schedule: Quarterly calls from 3 - 4 PM ET
  • Upcoming dates: April 17, May 15, May 29, June 12, July 17, Jul 31, 2025
  • Intended audience: Health department staff seeking to or currently implementing a telehealth HCV treatment program through the health department or in collaboration with other healthcare providers.
  • Registration: 

Corrections Workgroup (new!) 

To support jurisdictions in developing and fostering relationships with correctional partners to support outbreak response, increasing testing and access to hepatitis treatment; and to develop a resource repository for HDs to strengthen their response to viral hepatitis activities with their correctional partners. Facilitated by Chanel Epps (MO), HepTAC Advisory Committee member. 

Tribal/State Viral Hepatitis Collaboration Workgroup (new!) 

The goal of this workgroup is to strengthen relationships between tribal nations and state health departments to support viral hepatitis elimination goals. Facilitated by Claire Erikson (ND), HepTAC Advisory Committee member. 

Hepatitis C DIS/Linkage to Care Workgroup

This workgroup, led by Amelia Salmanson (UT), HepTAC Advisory Committee member, is a space to share best practices and learn from other jurisdictions about disease intervention specialists (DIS), linkage to care, and patient navigation. We will also be using this workgroup to discuss enhancing viral hepatitis case investigations/DIS.

Rural/Low Morbidity Workgroup 

To support viral hepatitis programs in addressing the unique challenges related to rurality, limited resources, and low morbidity. This workgroup is facilitated by HepTAC Advisory Committee members Chloe Manchester (ME) and Claire Erikson (ND). 

  • Schedule: Quarterly calls from 3 - 4 PM ET
  • Upcoming dates: March 13, June 19, September 11, 2025
  • Intended audience: Viral hepatitis health department staff that serve mostly rural populations and have resource and capacity limitations to providing services.
  • Registration:

Perinatal Surveillance and Case Management Workgroup 

For jurisdictions looking to start or have previously established a perinatal hepatitis surveillance and case management program, this space is for sharing challenges and breakthroughs. Discussion topics include identifying cases within existing surveillance, developing a registry, infant follow-up testing and case management, and provider outreach. This workgroup is facilitated by HepTAC Advisory Committee member Heather Wingate (TN). 

  • Schedule: Quarterly calls at 3 - 4 PM ET
  • Upcoming dates: March 27, June 26, October 23, 2025
  • Intended audience: Health department prevention and/or surveillance staff working on perinatal hepatitis B and C surveillance and case management.
  • Registration: 

Outbreak Detection Planning Work Group

Collaborative space for jurisdictions to discuss developing and implementing an outbreak response plan for Hepatitis A, B, and C. Jurisdictions can share best practices and outbreak response activities, including monitoring surveillance data to identify outbreaks. Facilitated by Justinian Wurtzel (IA), HepTAC Advisory Committee member.

  • Schedule: Quarterly calls
  • Upcoming dates: TBD
  • Intended audience: Health department prevention and surveillance staff working on developing and implementing an outbreak response plan as a part of PS 21-2103 Component 1 grant activities.
  • Registration: TBD 

VLC Recordings/Upcoming Sessions

HepTAC 2.0 VLC Logo

Thank you to all of the presenters, moderators, and participants who made Year 3 of the VLC such a success! We are excited to bring you all the next iteration of the VLC soon. In the meantime please visit the VLC microsite for more information and to watch recordings from previous VLC sessions.

Hepatitis Policy Updates 

FY2025 Appropriations

Lawmakers are running out of time to agree on a bipartisan spending package for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY2025) by the March 14 deadline set in place by the current continuing resolution (CR) (H.R.10445). The Republican caucus, who now holds a supermajority in the 119th Congress and the White House, is divided in their approach to advance President Trump’s policy priorities. Republicans are attempting to leverage the budget reconciliation process to advance their agenda, which is a special legislative procedure that requires only a simple majority to pass legislation that meets specific spending guidelines if both the House and Senate pass identical budget resolutions. However, the Senate aimed to utilize budget reconciliation in both FY2025 and Fiscal Year 2026 (FY2026) to advance the GOP agenda through two spending cycles, but the House is aiming to include all policy priorities in a single omnibus bill

Now that Congress faces a potential government shutdown on March 15, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA-04) proposed to advance a full-year CR for FY2025 in order to avoid a government shutdown battle with Democrats. If agreed to by the Senate, the Republican caucus would focus on unifying a bicameral coalition around the FY26 package in order to advance their policy priorities through budget reconciliation before the 2026 midterm elections potentially threaten their supermajority. 

NASTAD will continue to monitor the congressional appropriations process and advocate for the highest possible funding for HIV, hepatitis, and drug user health programs. 

Additional Updates 

HepNET Logo

Hepatitis National Network for Education and Testing (HepNET) 

Formed through a partnership between NASTAD, NVHR and NACCHO, the Hepatitis Network for Education and Testing (HepNET) is a collaborative initiative dedicated to advancing racial justice and health equity in viral hepatitis care, with a focus on people who use drugs. Click here to become a member!  Members get access to HepNET's resource warehouse, webinars and events, invitations, technical assistance opportunities, and the chance to participate in HepNET's learning communities. 

NASTAD Membership Directory Update 

We are updating our membership directory to include both viral hepatitis prevention and surveillance points of contact. Please provide the contact information for your jurisdiction here, and review the current directory here. Thank you!

Notepad with the words, "HOT TOPIC" written in black and underlined in yellow highlighter

Hot Topics: HepTAC TA Requests

We have received a few TA requests, and we are requesting your assistance: 

  • Resources or trainings on how to conduct a gap analysis/needs assessment for hepatitis C community coalitions
  • Protocols for public health nurses and/or pharmacists to initiate HCV treatment under standing orders for patients who meet simplified treatment criteria and who have no other risk factors 

If you have any information on the above TA requests, please email Thank you! 

Note: Our team aims to send out a monthly newsletter to streamline hepatitis communications. If you know someone who would benefit from signing up or if you would like to be unsubscribed from the monthly newsletter, please email us at We apologize if you emailed us and haven’t heard back, please email us again!

Partner Updates

Pennsylvania Census Tract-Level Vulnerability Assessment: Predicting Bloodborne Infection, Outbreak, and Overdose Death Risk Related to Injection Drug Use in Pennsylvania, Excluding Philadelphia, 2021 

INHSU 2024 – hepatitis C key takeaways 

The International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) held their annual conference this past October in Athens, Greece and have compiled an overview of key discussions that can be found here


Fact Sheet: Understanding and Implementing Updates to 42 CFR Part 2, Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records 

Upcoming Webinars, Meetings, & Events

Upcoming Webinars

Preventing Liver Cancer From Birth: Discussing Childhood Vaccines in a Changing Landscape | March 18, 3 PM ET | Registration 

Please join the Hepatitis B Foundation and NVHR for a 2-part webinar discussing the how we can prevent liver cancer through vaccination. In part one, panelists will discuss the importance of the hepatitis B birth dose, preventing mother-to-child transmission, and the impact of hepatitis B before the universal infant recommendation. In part two, panelists will discuss how to speak about vaccines in the current landscape.   

HCV Elimination Community of Practice- Street Medicine in the United States | April 2, 2025 | Registration 

Join us for an interactive webinar hosted by The International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU). This webinar aims to facilitate a community of practice, providing a platform to discuss any ongoing challenges and share innovative solutions in hepatitis C (HCV) service delivery. Engage with peers, learn from real-world experiences, and contribute to the collective effort to enhance hepatitis C care models.

Recurring Meetings   

CSTE Viral Hepatitis Subcommittee Meetings | First Thursday, every other month at 3 PM ET 

The Viral Hepatitis Subcommittee holds regular conference calls and webinars to discuss current issues and overarching topics related to viral hepatitis surveillance, such as best practices and lessons learned across jurisdictions, policy around viral hepatitis surveillance, and analyzing viral hepatitis data. For more information, and how to become a member click here

Conferences/Events (National & Local) 

19th Global Hepatitis Summit 

March 18-21, 2025 | Los Angeles, CA | Registration 

GHS 2025 will be as much a networking event as a cutting-edge research conference, featuring dedicated tracks for health practitioners and inspiring workshops for those working in the liver and hepatitis space, where renown speakers will highlight the most exciting recent results in the field and provide perspectives for research and patient management. Abstract submissions are now open for Global Hepatitis Summit until October 30, 2024. More information about the Summit can be found here

INHSU Hepatitis C Intervention Symposia Series 

April 10, 2025 | Knoxville, TN | Registration 

April 24, 2025 | Denver, CO | Registration 

October 3, 2025 | Phoenix, AZ | Registration 

October 24, 2025 | Chicago, IL | Registration 

In this free symposium series, you will learn practical strategies to enhance your HCV service delivery, including point-of-care testing, telehealth, integrated HCV care in Syringe Service Programs, peer support and care navigation, dried blood spot testing and more. Gain the tools to expand and elevate your HCV service delivery. This symposium is essential for professionals working with people who use drugs and committed to advancing HCV care. Register via the links above or reach out to with any questions. 

2025 National Latinx Conference on HIV/HCV/ SUD 

April 29 - May 1, 2025 | Las Vegas, NV 

The NaLa Conference previously known as the National Latinx Conference on HIV/HCV/SUD aims to provide Healthcare and Social Service Providers with innovative concepts, best practices, and new information on how to better serve Latinx communities. Our workshops will cover a wide range of topics essential to all healthcare providers and practitioners who serve the Latinx community. The aim is to provide effective treatment and consultations with the overall goal of improving patient health outcomes. Our target audience are all practicing physicians, nurses and non-physicians which include case managers, social workers, community health workers, support staff, linkage specialists and administration. Register here

APHL 2025 Annual Conference 

May 5-8, 2025 |Portland, OR 

The APHL 2025 Annual Conference will be held May 5-8, 2025, in Portland, OR. The conference is an event for the public health laboratory community, bringing together leaders, scientists, influencers and partners to share issues, trends and best practices driving laboratory science and public health today. Select sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand access after the conference. Additional information can be found here

NASTAD 2025 Annual Meeting 

May 18-21, 2025 | Washington, DC 

Registration is open for the NASTAD 2025 Annual Meeting, which will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, May 18 – 21, 2025. Please use this link to book your hotel by April 14, 2025. Registration can be found here

CSTE 2025 Annual Conference 

June 8-12, 2025 | Grand Rapids, MI 

The CSTE Annual Conference connects more than 2,800 public health epidemiologists from across the country and will include workshops, plenary sessions with leaders in the field of public health, breakout sessions, discussion sessions, poster presentations, and more. Conference attendees meet and share their expertise in surveillance and epidemiology as well as best practices in a broad range of areas including informatics, infectious diseases, substance use, immunizations, environmental health, occupational health, chronic disease, injury control, and maternal and child health. Register here (early bird registration closes on April 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM). 


July 14-18, 2025 | Anaheim, CA 

NACCHO360 is the largest convening of local health department leaders and public health professionals in the United States, offering the opportunity to learn, network, and share experiences and best practices across local health departments. In 2025, the public health community will gather in Anaheim, California, July 14-18, to explore our conference theme, "Bright Lights, Bold Ideas: Shaping the Future of Public Health Practice.” Registration can be found here

The 13th International Conference on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users 

October 14-17, 2025 | Cape Town, South Africa 

Hosted by INHSU– the International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users – INHSU 2025 will welcome hundreds of attendees from across the globe, spanning sectors including harm reduction, infectious diseases, civil society, and drug policy. Registration information can be found here

Jobs, Fellowships, and Funding Opportunities

HIV and Hepatitis Section Supervisor- Iowa 

Are you passionate about leading work that directly impacts care and prevention services for Iowans living with or disproportionately impacted by HIV and hepatitis? Do you have a vision for integrated services that decrease diagnoses, provide exceptional services, and eliminate health disparities for people affected by HIV and hepatitis? Are you eager to plan and implement strategies to “End the Epidemics” in Iowa? If so, this is the opportunity for you! The Bureau of HIV, STI, and Hepatitis is seeking a dedicated and dynamic leader as our HIV and Hepatitis Section Supervisor (Public Service Manager 1). To learn more and to apply visit, click here. Applications will be accepted through March 30, 2025.

Director of Programs- NVHR 

The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) is currently hiring a Director of Programs. More information about the position can be found here. To apply, send resumes and cover letters to Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. 

Hep B United Mini-Grants Program 2025 Request for Funding Proposal  

The Hepatitis B Foundation is offering mini-grants for one (1) year to Hep B United coalition partners working on hepatitis B education, prevention, screening, and linkage to care activities. Up to 7 awards will be given ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 each. Applications are due by 5 pm PST on March 31, 2025. More information can be found here


Publications Logo

Notes from the Field: Genomic and Wastewater Surveillance Data to Guide a Hepatitis A Outbreak Response — Los Angeles County, March 2024–June 2024

Innovative solutions for HCV: highlights from INHSU’s 2024 US Symposia

From Fingerstick to Cure: Factors to Consider Around Adoption and Implementation of Hepatitis C RNA Point-of-Care Testing

Dual Certification Of Community Health Workers And Certified Peer Support Specialists Can Better Address Syndemics

HCV and HIV Coinfection: Decreasing Barriers to an HCV Cure With Use of a Simplified Treatment Algorithm

Incidence and Outcome of Hepatitis D Virus Infection in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus Coinfection in the Era of Tenofovir-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy

Updated Recommendation for Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Adults Aged 19–59 Years — United States, 2024