Syphilis and Drug User Health Webinar Series: "Still Trep-in’: Ongoing Responses to Syphilis in Indian Country"


NASTAD, in partnership with AIDS United, NACCHO, NCSD, and the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, held the "Still Trep-in’: Ongoing Responses to Syphilis in Indian Country" webinar on May 30th. This is the third in a five-part webinar series regarding the intersection of syphilis and drug user health. In this session, focused on American Indian and Alaska Native communities, presenters reviewed disparities; discussed the interconnectedness of mental health, substance use, housing, and other social determinants within the current syphilis outbreaks; and provided examples of how Indian Health Service and Tribes have responded.

The webinar series convenes on the last Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 4:30 PM ET, March 28, 2023 through July 25, 2023. All recordings and registration links for this webinar series can be found on NASTAD’s "Syphilis and Drug User Health Webinar Series" resource page.

Please contact for further questions.