Hepatitis VLC: HCV RNA Reflex Testing: Updates and Experience of Commercial Laboratories

Washington, D.C.

Reflex RNA testing for hepatitis C is identified in the National Strategic Plan as a key strategy to diagnose people living with hepatitis C and to facilitate engagement in curative treatment and strengthen public health surveillance. Through CDC’s VH prevention/surveillance CoAg, health departments are to advance increased testing, with reflex, by providing information/education, training, and technical assistance to laboratories, and providers.

The May 25, 2022, VLC prevention session was moderated by Dr. Liisa Randall, Director, Health Care Planning, Massachusetts Department of Health who was joined by presenters Dr. Holly Batterman, Medical Director, Infectious Diseases from Quest followed by Dr. Laura Gillim, Technical Director, Science and Technology from LabCorp.

Additional Resources:

Register for upcoming VLC sessions or view previous session recordings here.