Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Last Updated

The aim of this legal research is to compile enacted state laws and regulations regarding reporting requirements for negative HIV and Hepatitis C test results. The research includes all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and only covers enacted laws and regulations – excluding proposed bills, sub-regulatory guidance, and case law.  Reporting requirements for a specific jurisdiction may vary between health care providers and clinical laboratories. Data displayed within this map excludes provisions specific to prenatal/postnatal testing and exposed newborns – infants.

Disclaimer: This resource on reporting requirements for negative HIV and hepatitis C test results is based on legal reporting requirements, which varies from state to state. Please be aware that while this information reflects legal mandates, individual state health departments may have additional policies or guidelines regarding the reporting of negative test results. Health departments may require supplementary information beyond what is legally mandated.


Reporting Requirements

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results
Reporting Negative HIV Test Results: Does the state require healthcare providers to report any negative HIV test results?
Reporting Negative HIV Test Results: Does the state require laboratories to report any negative HIV test results?
Reporting Negative HCV Test Results: Does the state require healthcare providers to report any negative HCV test results?
Reporting Negative HCV Test Results: Does the state require laboratories to report any negative HCV test results?


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 27.005, 007

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ala. Admin. Code 420-4-1-.04; Ala. Admin. Code 420-4-1 App.I

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Code Ark. R. 007.35.7-III, V1

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

1 Statute is currently flagged by Westlaw regarding validity, but NASTAD’s legal interpretation is that this is simply due to a citation miscommunication by the Arkansas legislature.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ariz. Admin. Code R9-6-202, Tbl. 2.1; Ariz. Admin. Code R9-6-204, Tbl. 2.3

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories are required to submit negative test results for diagnostic HIV tests (but not screening tests).

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17, § 2500; Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121023

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1009-1 Appendix A

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Conn. Agencies Regs. 19a-36-A2, A3; List of Reportable Diseases

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

District of Columbia

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 22-B, § 201, 206, 211

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Code Del. Regs. 4202-4.0, 7.0; Code Del. Regs. 4202 Appendix I

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. r. 64D-3.029

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ga. Code Ann. § 31-12-2; Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 511-2-1-.02; List of Reportable Diseases

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Haw. Code R. 11-156 Exhibit A, B

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Laboratories: It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, laboratories must also report all CD4 lymphocyte counts, and all results from tests used to determine HIV viral load.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Iowa Code Ann. § 141A.6; Iowa Code Ann. § 139A.2, .3

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77, § 690.452; Ill. Admin. Code tit. 77, § 693.20, .30

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ind. Code Ann. § 16-41-2-3; 410 Ind. Admin. Code 1-2.5-75, 76

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No, healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

Laboratories: It depends. In addition to reporting positive Hepatitis C test results, laboratories must also report undetected Hepatitis C RNA test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Kan. Stat. Ann. § 65-6002; Kan. Admin. Regs. 28-1-2

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

902 Ky. Admin. Regs. 2:020

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 11/16/16]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

It depends. Healthcare providers and laboratories must submit negative or indeterminant HIV test results if part of a diagnostic testing algorithm whose overall interpretation is positive.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Yes. Healthcare providers and laboratories must submit all test results, whether positive or negative, for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

51 La. Admin. Code Pt II, 105, 107 [Hepatitis C provision: enacted 5/20/19]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: Yes. Laboratories are required to report any test results, positive or negative, for all components of testing indicative of HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results. 

Laboratories: Yes. Laboratories are required to report any test results, positive or negative, for all components of testing indicative of Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

105 Mass. Code Regs. 300.100, 170, 173, 180

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 12/6/13]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories are required to submit negative HIV test results associated with a concurrent positive test.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories are required to submit all test results, including negative results, for Hepatitis C serologic and nucleic acid amplification tests.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Md. Code Regs.; Md. Code Regs., .06 

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 5/18/20]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: Yes. Laboratories are required to report all test results, whether positive or negative, for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.2

2 However, negative virus RNA results must be reported if preceded by a positive antibody result.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Code Me. R. § 10-144 Ch. 258, App. A, B

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results. C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 333.5111, 14; List of Reportable Diseases

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 2020]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Yes. Healthcare providers and laboratories must submit all test results, whether positive or negative, for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Minn. R. 4605.7030, 40 

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 6/20/11]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. Laboratories: 

Yes. Laboratories are required to report all test results, whether positive or negative, for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results. 

Laboratories: Yes. Laboratories are required to report all test results, whether positive or negative, for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Mo. Code Regs. Ann. tit. 19, § 20-20.020, .080

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

It depends. Healthcare providers and laboratories must submit negative or indeterminant HIV test results if part of a diagnostic testing algorithm whose overall interpretation is positive.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

15 Code Miss. R. Pt. 2, Subpt. 11, R. 1.1; 15 Code Miss. R. Pt. 2, Subpt. 11, App. A, B

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Mont. Admin. R. 37.114.201, .203, .204

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, laboratories must also report all HIV nucleic acid tests, RNA or DNA, irrespective of results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

Note: DPHHS mandates reporting of both positive and negative RNA test results.

North Carolina

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

10A N.C. Admin. Code 41A.0101

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, laboratories must also report all HIV genotypic test results, all CD4 lymphocyte counts, and all results from tests used to determine HIV viral load.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

North Dakota

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

N.D. Admin. Code 33-06-01-01; N.D. Admin. Code 33-06-02-01 

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 1/1/11]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, healthcare providers and laboratories must also report all HIV nucleic acid test results (including undetectable).

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

It depends. Healthcare providers and laboratories must report all nucleic acid and genotype test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

173 Neb. Admin. Code Ch. 1, 1-003, 1-004 

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 6/8/16]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

It depends. Healthcare and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C screening tests [e.g., EIA, CIA, ELISA, etc.], but must report all confirmatory test [e.g., RIBA and PCR for qualitative, quantitative, and genotype testing] results, whether positive or negative.

New Hampshire

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

N.H. Code Admin. R. He-P 301.02

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.3

3 Healthcare providers are specifically only required to report positive Hepatitis C tests that serve as a new diagnosis.

New Jersey

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

N.J. Admin. Code § 8:57-1.5, 1.7; N.J. Admin. Code § 8:65-2.1, 2.5

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: Yes. Laboratories are required to report all test results, whether positive or negative, for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.4

4 Healthcare providers are specifically only required to report positive Hepatitis C tests that serve as a new diagnosis.

New Mexico

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

N.M. Admin. Code

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, healthcare providers and laboratories must also report all HIV nucleic acid tests (RNA or DNA), all HIV genotype tests, and all CD4 lymphocyte tests irrespective of results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Nev. Admin. Code 441A.040, .230, .235

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories must submit negative or indeterminant HIV test results if part of a diagnostic testing algorithm whose overall interpretation is positive.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.

New York

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 10, § 63.4; N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 10, § 2.1, 2.10, 2.12

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. In addition to reporting all positive HIV tests, laboratories must also report all CD4 lymphocyte counts and all HIV nucleic acid tests, RNA or DNA, irrespective of results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Ohio Admin. Code 3701-3-02, 03, 04, 12

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Okla. Admin. Code 310:515-1-4

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive HIV test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. In cases where a panel of HIV tests are ordered, then the occurrence of even one positive test result from said panel requires the results of all tests ordered to be reported.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive Hepatitis C test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

ORS § 433.004 

OAR 333-018-0015

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report all cases or suspected cases of HIV. 

Licensed laboratories: It depends. Laboratories must report all positive test results for HIV. Licensed laboratories must also report the results of all tests of CD4+ T-lymphocyte absolute counts, the percent of total lymphocytes that are CD4+, and HIV nucleic acid (viral load) tests.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report all cases or suspected cases of Hepatitis C. 

Licensed laboratories: No. Laboratories are only required to report all positive test results for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

28 Pa. Code §§ 27.21a, 27.32a, 27.22

HIV Reporting Requirements

HCV Reporting Requirements

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare practitioners and facilities: It depends. Healthcare practitioners must report all diagnoses of AIDS and positive test results from FDA-approved HIV tests. Healthcare practitioners and facilities must also report all CD4 T-lymphocyte counts and percentages and all HIV viral load test results, including detectable and undetectable viral load results and all HIV genotyping results.

Clinical laboratories: It depends. Clinical laboratories must report positive test results from FDA-approved HIV tests. Clinical laboratories must also report all CD4 T-lymphocyte counts and percentages and all HIV viral load test results, including detectable and undetectable viral load results and all HIV genotyping results.

Philadelphia: It depends. In addition to positive test results, laboratories and healthcare providers must submit all virologic and CD4 T-lymphocyte test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare practitioners and facilities: No. Healthcare practitioners and facilities are only required to report positive or suspected cases of Hepatitis C (e.g., based on symptoms). Clinical laboratories: No.

Clinical laboratories must only report test results that yield microscopical, cultural, immunological, serological, chemical, virologic, nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), or other evidence significant from a public health standpoint of the presence of Hepatitis C.

Philadelphia: It depends. In addition to positive test results, laboratories and healthcare providers must also report all virologic test results – including antigen, RNA, branched DNA, genotype, and viral loads (including those with undetectable results).

Rhode Island

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 23-6.3-14, 23-6.3-15 

216 RICR 30-05-1.4, 30-05-1.5

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 3/3/18]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report diagnoses of HIV. Healthcare providers may not independently perform HIV tests and must instead send specimens to the Department of Health laboratory for testing. See “Laboratories” below for more information. 

Laboratories: It depends. Clinical and hospital laboratories are only required to report positive test results for HIV. However, all other samples or specimens taken to conduct an HIV test (i.e., samples taken at a provider’s office) must be sent to the Department of Health laboratory for analysis.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive test results for Hepatitis C. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories must report all positive test results for Hepatitis C. Laboratories must also report aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and Bilirubin Total and Bilirubin Direct.

South Carolina

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

S.C. Code Ann. § 44-29-250 

S.C. Code Ann. Regs. 61-21

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Health care professionals and laboratories are only required to report positive test results for HIV.5

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Health care professionals and laboratories are only required to report positive test results for Hepatitis C.

5 Regarding anonymous HIV tests: A person who collects and anonymously submits a sample of the person's own body fluid or tissue for HIV testing is not required to report a positive test result. However, the person or laboratory performing the test on an anonymous sample shall report a positive HIV infection test result.

South Dakota

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

SDCL § 34-22-12 ARSD 44:20:01:04, 44:20:02:01, 44:20:02:02

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Health care professionals and laboratories are only required to report positive test results for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Health care providers and laboratories are only required to report a positive diagnosis or suspected case of Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

TCA §§ 68-5-102, 68-10-112 

TN ADC 1200-6-3-.08, 1200-14-1-.02

TN Dept. of Health Reportable Disease List

TN Detailed Laboratory Guidance

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Health care providers and laboratories are only required to report positive test results or suspected cases of HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Yes. Healthcare providers and laboratories must submit all test results, whether positive or negative, for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Tex. Health & Safety Code § 85.086 

25 Tex. Admin. Code §§ 97.2, 97.3, 97.132, 97.133, 97.134

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Health professionals and laboratories are only required to report positive test results or suspected cases of HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive test results or suspected cases of Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Utah Admin. Code r. R386-702-3, 4 

[Hepatitis C provision: enacted 11/1/19]

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Yes. Healthcare providers and laboratories (if reporting electronically) must report negative, as well as positive, laboratory test results for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Yes. Healthcare providers and laboratories (if reporting electronically) must report negative, as well as positive, laboratory test results for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Va. Code Ann. § 32.1-36 12 VAC 5-90-80, 5-90-90

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Laboratories, physicians, hospital administrators, and other healthcare providers are only required to report positive test results.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Vt. Stat. Ann. 18 § 1001 VT ADC 12-5-12:5.0, 12-5-12:6.0

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive test results for HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Healthcare providers and laboratories are only required to report positive test results for Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

RCW 70.24.050 

Wash. Admin. Code 246-100-021, 246-101-101, 246-101-201

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

Healthcare providers and facilities: No. Healthcare providers are only required to report positive test results. 

Laboratories: It depends. Laboratories must always report both positive and indeterminate test results. Labs must also report negative test results associated with those positive or indeterminate test results for certain tests.6

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers and facilities: No. Healthcare providers and facilities are only required to submit a case report for confirmed (positive) cases.

Laboratories:7 It depends. Laboratories must report positive test results by any method and negative results only from HCV nucleic acid detection tests.

6 Antibody detection tests (including RST), antigen detection tests (including RST), viral culture, all HIV nucleic acid detection (NAT or NAAT) tests, qualitative and quantitative, detectable and undetectable, and HIV antiviral resistance testing genetic sequences.

7 Laboratories must also report negative test results for IgM anti-HAV and for IgM anti-HBc tests, if they are associated with a positive test result.  


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Wis. Stat. Ann. 252.01, 252.13, 252.15 

Wis. Admin. Code §§ DHS 145.04, DHS 145 App. A

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Healthcare providers, blood banks, and other blood/plasma centers are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No.8 Laboratories and healthcare facilities are only required to report identification or suspected identification of Hepatitis C.

8 Laboratories and healthcare facilities are required to report negative test results for contagious diseases to justify the release of a patient from isolation or quarantine.

West Virginia

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

W. Va. Code §§ 16-3C, 16-4-6 

W. Va. Code St. R. §§ 64-7-3, 64-7-14, 64-64-12, 64-64-13

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Physicians, healthcare providers, and laboratories are only required to report positive HIV test results.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

Healthcare providers and facilities: No. Healthcare providers and facilities are only required to report if they suspect, diagnose, or care for a patient with Hepatitis C. Laboratories: No. Laboratories are only required to report if they have evidence of current infection with Hepatitis C.


Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Legal Code

Wyo. Stat. Ann. §§ 35-4-107, 108, 132 

WY ADC 048.0051.2 §§ 1, 2, 3; WY ADC 048.0046.1 §§ 2, 6

Does the state require reporting for negative HIV test results?

No. Physicians, healthcare providers, health facilities, and laboratories are only required to report positive test results of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Does the state require reporting for negative Hepatitis C test results?

No. Physicians and other healthcare providers are only required to report positive cases of hepatitis C.



Northern Mariana Islands


American Samoa


Puerto Rico


Marshall Islands




Federated States of Micronesia


Virgin Islands