Post-Regional Meeting
Ready? Set. Action!
Numerous frameworks exist to assist with goal-setting and action planning. The Health Equity Initiative Regional Meeting will guide you in applying the SOAR Framework, SMART Objectives, and the Actions & Changes Model to your strategic planning efforts. Use the templates below to further explore priorities with your health department after completion of the regional training.

SOAR: Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results
SOAR is a strategic planning instrument that allows an organization to focus on current strengths and to project its vision for the future. Grounded in Appreciative Inquiry, focusing on the organization or issue, enhancing what is currently done well, and imagining how to move forward. This approach should engage individuals at all levels of the organization or system who are invested in the issue or program. The detailed description and planning document below can serve as impactful strategic planning tools.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals
S.M.A.R.T. Goals are crafted to help you identify if what you want to achieve is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. realistic and determine a deadline. Setting team and individual S.M.A.R.T. goals with the worksheet below will help to clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, and ensure that you are on track to use your time and resources wisely.

Actions and Changes Model
The Actions and Changes Model demonstrates the value of measuring incremental change. Actions, also known as process measures, are the activities that take place during the initiative and describe what you are doing to move the initiative along toward the organizational goals. While process measures document the specific methods and activities you use to create change, outcome measures explain the overall impact that occurs as a result of these individual actions. Outcome measures highlight the changes that happen as a result of the work done by your initiative or activities. Use the worksheet below to track actions and changes over time, regardless of size or perceived impact.

The Health Equity Initiative Blueprint
The Health Equity Initiative Blueprint will serve as your guiding document as you complete the post-training deliverables. Use the blueprint below to map your team’s goals, track your progress, and share developments with stakeholders.
Implementation Tools
During the Health Equity Initiative Regional Training, participants will identify next steps to improve the alignment between the three programs and pursue opportunities for collaboration. The customizable PowerPoints below provide ready-made training tools to aid you in efficient and accurate dissemination of information learned during the regional meetings.

Intro to Health Equity
The “Intro to Health Equity” PowerPoint presentation introduces the concepts of health equity, stigma, implicit bias, and how health departments can strive towards equitable programs, policies, and practices.

Intersection of HIV, Hepatitis, and Health Equity
The “Intersection of HIV, Hepatitis, and Health Equity” PowerPoint presentation explores the connection between HIV, hepatitis, and how health equity is necessary to end the intersecting epidemics of these viruses.
Within thirty (30) days of the training, participants will:
- Meet with peer health department colleagues in HIV, hepatitis and health equity programs to examine existing community needs through an integrated lens and identify at least one collaborative initiative on which to focus. Seek input from colleagues and supervisor on the topic and approaches to pursue.
- Share the priorities and opportunities for alignment across HIV, hepatitis, and health equity programs with program colleagues to secure buy-in for the proposal.
- Schedule at least one (1) training or presentation to key stakeholders aimed at discussing the opportunity for alignment across HIV, hepatitis, and health equity programs that the participant identified.
In addition, within four (4) months, participants are encouraged to complete the following activities, based on their role and program:
- Train*: Develop and/or deliver at least one (1) formal training on the intersection of HIV, hepatitis, and health equity for either health department leadership or funded agencies and other key external stakeholders.
- Conduct a strategic planning with the key stakeholders needed to pursue the opportunity identified. Through this process, create an actionable deliverable related to the alignment of HIV, hepatitis and health equity. Actionable deliverables will be documented as part of the regional meetings, and will be based on the jurisdiction’s priorities, capacity, funding, and policy context, for example:
- A collaborative initiative to impact policy, systems, and environmental change toward health equity goals,
- An initiative focused on program development and cross-programmatic alignment,
- Program-level changes to facilitate alignment and improve the performance of grantees in relation to health equity goals, and/or
- A change in the oversight and operation of a public health unit or program, including the role of data in achieving health equity outcomes.
- Participate in one (1) of five (5) regional peer conference calls to identify common challenges and discuss lessons learned in advancing the program’s alignment objectives.
Report on the progress made toward the alignment goals identified for the jurisdiction, sharing resources, and indicating TA needs.
*A training template will be provided through the distance-based curriculum and regional trainings. Health departments have the flexibility to tailor the prepared content to fit the unique needs of their jurisdiction.
Regional Training Materials and Presentations
The folders below include materials and presentations from each of the five (5) regional trainings. Revisit the presentations from your training and explore presentations from other trainings. If a presentation sparks your interest, please contact NASTAD to request an introduction to your peer colleague in the specified state.