Chapter 1: Learning Styles

Diversity in Learning Styles
Picture this. You are attending a training about a topic you love, but you find yourself dozing off. The trainer is quite brilliant, but the boring use of PowerPoint takes away from the message. You find yourself doodling in your notebook to stay awake. One of the biggest mistakes trainers and educators make is failing to accommodate varied learning styles when delivering information.
Aligning training with learning styles | LinkedIn Learning
Being overly committed to one learning style is just as detrimental to failing to acknowledge learning styles at all. It is imperative to find a balance by combining learning styles. 3 min, 33 sec
Adult learning theory | LinkedIn Learning
Check Your Understanding
We all have varied learning styles. Can you name a few?
The learning styles referenced in this curriculum include visual (spatial), auditory (aural-musical), and tactile (kinesthetic). These are certainly not the only ways people prefer to learn. Other learning styles may include logical (mathematical), social (interpersonal), solitary (intrapersonal), and more. There is no right or wrong way to learn. We all learn through a combination of learning styles.
How does your health department’s trainings incorporate aspects of various learning styles?
Examples may include webinars, fact sheets, workshops, role play, strategic planning, etc.
What are some pitfalls to avoid when considering learning styles?
Be careful not to use learning styles as a crutch. It is ok for a training to not include all varieties of learning styles. Doing so can lead to scattered, disjointed trainings. Conversely, be wary of audiences who demand a single style of learning. Though we all have varied preferences, audiences can typically process information through all learning styles. Exceptions include participants who are visually, hearing, or physically impaired; on the autism spectrum; or who require accommodations for their learning needs.