Undetectable = Untransmittable: Health Department Engagement Map
The science behind Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) is clear
People living with HIV who maintain viral suppression cannot sexually transmit the virus. This message has the power to curtail one of the most significant structural barriers to HIV care and treatment – stigma – and to transform the social, sexual, and reproductive lives of people living with HIV. Additionally, U=U and its potential to reduce new infections among all underserved populations is now a cornerstone of both national and jurisdictional strategies to end HIV/AIDS as an epidemic.
NASTAD was one of the first domestic organizations to sign on to the campaign and encourages its health department members to add their endorsement and support. The Prevention Access Campaign’s U=U consensus statement has been signed by hundreds of government agencies and organizations agreeing to promote the message of U=U and to unequivocally support persons living with HIV.
This interactive map highlights the various state, county, and local health departments that endorsed the U=U consensus statement. Click on the active links to learn about these jurisdictions’ implementation of U=U. For more information on the work of US community-based organizations, visit Prevention Access Campaign.
No Information
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In March 2021, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) released a press release expressing adaptation and support of U=U. https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/news/2021/03/05.html
No Information
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2017, while not explicitly expressing support, the Arizona Department of Health Services’ Director released a blog post via their website acknowledging the CDC’s support of “Treatment of Prevention,” also known as U=U. https://directorsblog.health.azdhs.gov/world-aids-day-recognizes-progress-made-to-end-the-epidemic/
In 2020, the Arizona Department of Health Services released an “SB1389 HIV Action Plan and Report 2020,” which lists stigma reduction as a priority, and detailed contracted programs throughout the state used outreach focused on U=U as a means to achieve priority. https://www.azdhs.gov/documents/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/disease-investigation-resources/hiv-prevention/hiv-action-plan.pdf
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2017, the California Department of Public Health signed on to the U=U Campaign. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/de0404_57b4bed9da8040178d6fa8c70fa2823b.pdf
In 2017, the California Department of Public Health released a “Getting to Zero Baseline Report” which defines “getting to zero” to include “zero stigma and discrimination against PLWH.” https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DOA/CDPH%20Document%20Library/GTZ%20Baseline%20Report%20FINAL.pdf
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In December 2018, Connecticut released a “Getting To Zero Report,” a comprehensive report on ending the HIV epidemic in Connecticut, outlining recommendations to enact a “statewide multilevel HIV educational campaign and provider capacity building training” and to include U=U education programming in the community. https://gettingtozeroct.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Getting-To-Zero-CT-Report.pdf
District of Columbia
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2020, Mayor Bowser presented a plan to end HIV by 2030, including improving U=U promotion. https://www.dcendshiv.org/key-strategies/u-u
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Miami-Dade County developed a “Getting To Zero” HIV/AIDS Report where the Ryan White Part A/Minority AIDS Initiative Program to reduce stigma by Ryan White Partnership signed on to U=U Campaign as Community Partners and will develop a “Dear Colleagues,” and to send Ryan White sub-recipients and community agencies educating on the significance of the U=U campaign. https://www.testmiami.org/static/sitefiles/documents/Getting_to_Zero_Report.pdf
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Hawaii Department of Health has U=U Campaign information on its website. https://health.hawaii.gov/harmreduction/learn-about-diseases/sexually-transmitted-infections/hiv-aids/
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2019, the Illinois Department of Public Health released the “Getting to Zero Illinois” plan, which outlines two primary objectives: to increase viral suppression among people living with HIV and includes information on being undetectable means an inability to transmit HIV, U=U. https://dph.illinois.gov/GettingToZero
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Marion County released an EHE Plan that outlines a goal of all people living with HIV being retained in care and reaches viral suppression and references U=U. http://www.ryanwhiteindytga.org/File/Marion_County_EHE_Plan_-_Final.pdf
No Information Available
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endoresment
In 2019, Baton Rouge and New Orleans joined the Louisiana Department of Health in support of the U=U campaign https://ldh.la.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/5087
The Louisiana Health Hub promotes U=U (HIV Undetectable) https://www.louisianahealthhub.org/undetectable/
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
The Maryland Department of Health launched the “U=U Maryland” campaign.
In November 2018, in commemoration of World AIDS Day, Baltimore City Health Department officially launched the U=U campaign. https://health.baltimorecity.gov/events/world-aids-day
The Baltimore City Health Department participated in the “U=U Maryland” campaign developing its marketing materials. https://bhocpartners.org/ad-campaign/u-equals-u/
Baltimore City Health Department has resources on communicating U=U with on their website. https://health.baltimorecity.gov/hivstd-services/peoplewholooklikeme
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Press release announcing Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ endorsement of U=U consensus statement. U=U resources page on MDHHS website, including FAQ developed by Division of HIV and STD Programs.
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2017, the Minnesota Department of Health joined other states in support of the U=U campaign. https://www.health.state.mn.us/news/pressrel/2017/hiv102317.html
Minnesota Department of Health highlights U=U on the website. https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/hiv/prevention/uu/index.html
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
North Carolina
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
North Dakota
No Information Available
No Information Available
New Hampshire
No Information Available
New Jersey
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
New Mexico
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In commemoration of 2019’s World AIDS Day, the New Mexico Department of Health signed on to U=U and developed a press release commemorating the event.
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
The State of Nevada Office of HIV has endorsed U=U. Read more on their website.
New York
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
- The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute has a dedicated U=U webpage that includes links to their U=U policy statement, “Dear Colleague” letters from the Governor and Commissioner of Health to clinicians and other stakeholders, frequently asked questions, and links to other resources.
- The AIDS Institute has included U=U guidance in its Clinical Guidelines Program for providers.
- The AIDS Institute also supports the untransmittable.org website, which includes educational videos, FAQs, and resources for the New York State community.
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Oklahoma State Department of Health supports U=U Campaign. https://oklahoma.gov/health/prevention-and-preparedness/sexual-health-and-harm-reduction-service/u-u-statement.html
In March 2021, the Oklahoma State Department of Health launched “Rapid Start”— a program to identify and start treatment of new HIV diagnoses within one to two weeks in support of the concept of U=U. https://oklahoma.gov/health/newsroom/2021/march/osdh-launches-rapid-start-prep-program-to-help-end-hiv-epidemic-in-oklahoma.html
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
The Oregon Health Authority released a press release and informational video showcasing the U=U campaign.
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
Rhode Island
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
U=U a component of Rhode Island’s HIV CoEXIST program prioritizing HIV system of care needs and gaps including intensive case management and other interdisciplinary/comprehensive patient-centered approach to patient care.
The Rhode Island Department of Health worked with a local newspaper to report on its U=U work and the value of the campaign to people living with HIV.
South Carolina
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
In 2019, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control submitted an EHE Plan that utilizes the U=U campaign to combat HIV stigma. https://scdhec.gov/sites/default/files/media/document/Planning_EHE-Draft-Plan-Summary-Docs.pdf
South Dakota
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
The Tennesee Department of Health signed on to the U=U pledge and developed a press release to showcase the value of the campaign.
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
State-Level Health Department Endorsement
“Unpacking U=U: A global message and the movement,” a featured plenary at the 2019 Washington State HIV Conference, cosponsored by the Washington State Department of Health.
No Information Available
West Virginia
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
Northern Mariana Islands
No Information Available
American Samoa
No Information Available
Puerto Rico
No Information Available
Marshall Islands
No Information Available
No Information Available
Federated States of Micronesia
No Information Available
Virgin Islands
No Information Available
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
U=U Maryland, a comprehensive website developed by the Baltimore City Health Department, was launched in December 2019. The website provides testing and treatment information, downloadable educational tools, story sharing, and links to a number of Maryland services and resources.
U=U Maryland is part of the U=U Maryland Campaign, which includes a Baltimore community consensus statement, which aims to eliminate the stigma of living with HIV through education, empowerment, and engagement.
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
The Chicago Department of Public Health announced its endorsement of the U=U campaign in a 2017 press release.
Hennepin County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Positively Hennepin is the county’s strategy to respond to the HIV epidemic. The strategy acknowledges that the end of the HIV epidemic is within reach thanks to the science of U=U.
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
The Houston “I Am Life” Campaign, designed specifically for the Black and Latinx LGBTQ population” recognizes treatment as prevention for those living with HIV and the importance of starting and maintaining treatment.
Los Angeles
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
The Los Angeles County HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2020 and beyond specifically mentions the use of Prevention Access Campaign’s materials to promote U=U messaging.
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
In 2018, the Board of Health of Nashville and Davidson County released a resolution in support of the Prevention Access Campaign’s Consensus Statement including its Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) message.
New Orleans
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
The Office of Human Rights and Equity is working to promote the messaging of U=U throughout the city.
The New Orleans Regional AIDS Planning Council promotes U=U messaging regularly via social media.
New York
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
- The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the first U.S. government agency to endorse the U=U campaign, released a multi-language health bulletin, has a specific webpage dedicated to U=U, including a link to information for providers.
- Launched the “Made Equal” marketing campaign promoting U=U in associated with Work Pride in June 2019.
San Francisco
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
U = U is a cornerstone of San Francisco’s Getting to Zero initiative.
A number of public health resources have been developed, including a “U = U Basics“ distributed by the San Francisco City Clinic.
Baton Rouge
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Columbus highlights U=U on the website. https://www.columbus.gov/publichealth/programs/Sexual-Health/HIV-Treatment/
Cleveland and Cuyahoga County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Denver Department of Health contains information explaining what U=U is and provides Prevention Access Campaign’s website as a resource to learn more. https://www.denvergov.org/Government/Departments/Public-Health-Environment/Community-Behavioral-Health/HIV-Resources/HIV-Testing-and-Prevention
Jefferson County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
LMAS District
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Long Beach
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
San Diego
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Scott County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Alameda County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Genessee County
Local Jurisdictional Health Department Endorsement
Adams County
Local Jurisdictional Plan Available/In Development
Kent County
Local Jurisdictional Plan Available/In Development
Jefferson County
Local Jurisdictional Plan Available/In Development
- In 2017, the Jefferson County Board of Health released a resolution in support of the Prevention Access Campaign’s Consensus Statement including its Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U) message.
- The Jefferson County Department of Health is currently engaged in developing a workable Getting to Zero strategic plan with major stakeholders.
Las Vegas
Local Jurisdictional Plan Available/In Development
Local Jurisdictional Plan Available/In Development
If you are aware of any health departments that have updates to the information shared on this map, please email communications@nastad.org.
Additional U=U resources from NASTAD include a policy statement and a webinar featuring health department implementation and opportunities.