Strengthening Health Department Responses to Emerging Issues: Syphilis and Medication Shortage – PS19-1906 Encore Webinar Series


NASTAD hosted a webinar on Tuesday, August 6, from 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET focused on Strengthening Health Department Responses to Emerging Issues: Syphilis and Medication Shortage.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Leo Parker, Director, Prevention Programs, NCSD
  • Devon Brown, LSMW, MPH, JSI
  • Dr. Rosanne Sugay, Medical Epidemiologist, Southern Nevada Health District

The webinar provided an overview of national efforts and lessons learned to address the ongoing Bicillin shortage, presented opportunities to support this work through the coordination and collaboration of Integrated Planning, and highlighted a health department’s effort to address and overcome this challenge.

For more information on the PS19-1906 Encore Webinar Series, including session recordings and upcoming events, click here

Please contact Matty Helton with questions.
