Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution
On July 20, 2023, NASTAD hosted a webinar for the University of Washington Supporting Harm Reductions Programs team, “Measuring Syringe Coverage at SSPs: An Indicator for Equity and Needs-Based Distribution.” During this webinar, UW SHaRP shared tools and tips for syringe services programs interested in measuring syringe coverage among their program participants.
Syringe coverage is an indicator that can help SSPs estimate if their participants have enough syringes to use a new syringe for each injection. While distribution of different types of supplies is important for SSPs (including smoking and snorting supplies), syringe coverage is one measure that may help programs examine if they are distributing supplies equitably among all populations. They introduced the best practice of needs-based syringe distribution and discussed barriers to a needs-based policy. They also discussed the potential to use data, including syringe coverage, to make internal changes that reflect these recommendations.