2023 Virtual Condom Distribution as a Structural Intervention


Registration is now open for the NASTAD workshop, “Condom Distribution as a Structural Intervention,” being held through our Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) program. The workshop will be hosted through two interactive virtual sessions on September 20-21, 2023.

Condom Distribution as a Structural Intervention

To ensure all participants have an opportunity to actively engage in this virtual space, please select up to three staff members from your organization to attend. We ask that your team reviews the agenda topics to help determine which staff will register. Registration is first come first serve as space for this workshop is limited. Registration will be open through September 13, 2023. 

To register for this year’s CDSI, please use the links below.

Condom distribution programs remain a crucial component of the HIV response. Effective programs can increase condom use, while preventing transmission of HIV and other STIs. Given the focus of Ending the HIV Epidemic by 2030, Health Departments (HD) and Community Based Organizations (CBO) are in a unique position to promote innovative strategies and address persisting gaps in condom distribution programs.

After this virtual workshop, participants will: 

  • Understand the importance of effective planning for condom distribution interventions in their programs; 
  • Identify core concepts of availability, accessibility, and acceptability for condom distribution interventions; 
  • Recognize fundamental principles of health equity in any effective intervention; and 
  • Develop action plans to implement condom distribution programs given key individual, community, and structural needs. 

This workshop is designed for HD HIV prevention program staff and CBO staff. Moreover, the workshop is open ONLY to participants from CDC directly-funded HDs and CBOs in the Southern CBA region of the U.S. (including AL, AR, Baltimore, DC, DE, FL, GA, Houston, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, and WV). 

We hope you will join us for this exciting opportunity.

For questions, please contact Nicole Elinoff.
