NASTAD Press Release

NASTAD Announces 2024-2025 Board of Directors


CONTACT: Kyle Taylor, Director, Communications, NASTAD

Washington, DC –NASTAD, a leading non-partisan non-profit association that represents public health officials who administer HIV and hepatitis programs in the U.S., announced its 2024-2025 Board of Directors. NASTAD is governed by a 24-member, elected Board charged with making policy and program decisions on behalf of the full membership.

The 2024-2025 Board of Directors includes: 

Officers (Executive Committee)

  • Clover Barnes (Washington) Chair
  • Maria Jackson (Colorado) Vice-Chair
  • Debra Guilbault (Kansas) Secretary
  • Tom Dunn (Michigan) Treasurer
  • Sarah Braunstein (New York City) Chair-elect
  • Dave Kern (Chicago) immediate past Chair (ex-officio, voting)
  • Stephen Lee, NASTAD Executive Director (ex-officio, non-voting)

Board Members

  • Marisa Ramos (California)
  • Jimmy LLaque (Florida)
  • Thaddeus Pham (Hawaii)
  • Chelsea Frand (Houston)
  • Andrea Perez (Illinois)
  • Jeremy Turner (Indiana)
  • Joyce Mbuga (Iowa)
  • Samuel Burgess (Louisiana)
  • Dennis Rivera (Maryland)
  • Barry Callis (Massachusetts)
  • Christine Jones (Minnesota)
  • Andy Dillehay (Nebraska)
  • Lorlette Moir (New Hampshire)
  • Anthony Hannah (North Carolina)
  • Kathleen Brady (Philadelphia)
  • Larisa Bruner (South Carolina)
  • Phadre Johnson (Tennessee)
  • Felencia McGee (Virginia)
  • Scott Stokes (Wisconsin)

“It is my pleasure to welcome the 2024-2025 NASTAD Board of Directors,” said Dr. Stephen Lee, NASTAD Executive Director. “When we updated our bylaws in 2022, we set a goal of at least 50% BIPOC representation on our Board every year. I am happy to report that, with this new Board, we have achieved that goal three years in a row. I am looking forward to working with the Board to advance our mission and vision, and especially to promote our Chair Clover Barnes’s challenge, Black Women and BIPOC Leaders: Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges.


About NASTAD Founded in 1992, NASTAD is a leading non-partisan non-profit association that represents public health officials who administer HIV and hepatitis programs in the U.S. Our singular mission is to end the intersecting epidemics of HIV, viral hepatitis, and related conditions. We do this work by strengthening governmental public health through advocacy, capacity building, and social justice.