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HIV-related stigma and implicit bias have a negative impact on health outcomes and perpetuate existing disparities among various populations. In this video, we discuss the broader significance of addressing stigma and implicit bias to accelerate the end of the HIV epidemics, describe the multiple levels of external stigma (individual, community, institutional), provide examples of how these hinder access to care; and propose strategies to address them both in and outside of health departments. 

Additional Resources

Addressing Stigma: A Blueprint for Improving HIV/STD Prevention and Care Outcomes for Black & Latino Gay Men
This toolkit is a product of a three-year examination of public health stigma and its impact on Black and Latino gay men, and includes an overview of stigma and implicit bias and 17 recommendations for ensuring better health outcomes.

Reduction of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination
This Guidance Note, created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United National Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), provides strategies to address various aspects of HIV-related stigma and discrimination in national HIV responses.  

Stigma and Racial/Ethnic HIV Disparities: Moving Toward Resilience
In this journal article, researchers introduce the “Stigma and HIV Disparities Model” to describe how societal stigma related to race and ethnicity is associated with racial/ethnic HIV disparities via its manifestations at the structural level (e.g. residential segregation) as well as the individual level among perceivers (e.g. discrimination) and targets (e.g. internalized stigma). The resource also reviews evidence of these associations and conceptualizes the interdependence among co-occurring stigmas through a framework of intersectionality.