90-20-8 Rule

Throughout the Stigma Conversation, health departments may want to present data meant to spur conversation on stigma and discrimination. Health departments will not want to overburden participants while showcasing data and instead allow for a balance between sharing data and discussing potential actions to be taken to reduce stigma in the HIV response.

A consideration for any PowerPoint presentation-based portion of the stigma conversation is to follow the “90-20-8 Rule.” This rule states that for every 90 minutes of presentation, participants will be focused and retain information for 20 minutes and need to be engaged every eight minutes. With this, it is important to re-enforce major points the health department wants to make to ensure participants leave with this information.

More information can be found here.

Incorporating Different Communication Tools

When presenting information, health departments should encourage their speakers to think differently about sharing data around stigma. Presentations should not just rely on PowerPoint slides but think about ways they can incorporate video, sound, storytelling and more. It is important to remember that all materials must be ADA compliant to ensure that all participants can fully access the information presented. Health departments should also be sensitive to the confidentiality of the individual information that may be shared throughout the meeting as well as the wants and needs of those who may be sharing more personal stories.

Facilitator Technique: Appreciating Different Learning Styles

People learn and retain information differently. To keep as many people as possible engaged throughout the Stigma Conversation, the facilitators should respect the different learning style needs of the audience and try to integrate different activities to ensure optimal retention. If facilitators don’t respect these learning styles, people will start to drift away from the meeting, be on their phones, or disengage in conversations.

The three main types of learners are:

  • Visual: Learners need to see the data presented on a PowerPoint or hand copy and be able to take time to read the information. Facilitators should make sure participant copies of materials are shared. Facilitators should also consider switching up presentations using different media platforms including video, pictures, or graphics to showcase data.
  • Auditory: Learners need data presented auditorily or may need to repeat the data back to the presenter to retain.
  • Kinesthetic/Tactile: Learners need to be in motion and active to best retain information. Facilitators should allow for chances for the audience to move around, get up and walk, as well as be accepting of people who may need to stand for portions of the day. Facilitators should also provide notebooks and writing materials to help these learners stay active.

More information can be found here.