Stigma Topics: Intersectionality and Stigma
Intersectionality recognizes interlocking systems of power that impact those who are most marginalized in society. Intersectionality considers that various forms of social stratification, such as class, race, sexual orientation, age, disability, and gender, do not exist separately from each other but are interwoven together. In this video, we discuss how to effectively reach high-priority populations by incorporating an intersectional lens that is inclusive of the myriad identities and social affiliations of diverse communities.
Additional Resources
Promoting Reductions in Intersectional Stigma (PRISM) to Improve the HIV Prevention Continuum
This initiative from the National Institutes of Mental Health is twofold: 1) to advance measurements of intersectional stigma (multiple stigmatized identities) and examine the mechanisms and pathways by which it is a barrier to HIV testing and linkage to prevention; and 2) to develop and test interventions to reduce intersectional stigma and improve the uptake of HIV testing and linkage to ongoing HIV prevention among key populations at substantial risk for HIV infection.
Stigma and Intersectionality: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews across HIV/AIDS, Mental illness, and Physical Disability
Stigma across HIV, mental illness, and physical disability can be co-occurring and may interact with other forms of stigma related to social identities like race, gender, and sexuality. This review aims to contribute to the knowledge on stigma by advancing a cross-analysis of HIV and AIDS, mental illness, and physical disability stigma, and exploring whether and how intersectionality frameworks have been used in the systematic reviews of stigma.
Perceptions of Intersectional Stigma among Diverse Women Living with HIV in the United States
This article focuses on the clinical implications of women living with HIV’s unique social position, imparts a multi-dimensional understanding of stigmas among women living with HIV in the U.S., and expands the lens of intersectional stigma increased types of stigma and their impacts on health.