Third-Party TelePrEP Programs
Third-Party TelePrEP Programs: Partnership Consideration Resources
The use of telehealth to provide pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services (telePrEP) has steadily increased over the last several years, especially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While some programs offer telePrEP services in-house, others have partnered with an outside entity to provide these services, referred to as “third-party programs”.
The third-party telePrEP landscape has grown significantly, with more companies partnering with health departments and community-based organizations to expand PrEP access through telehealth. The resource provides telePrEP-specific considerations to establish strong partnerships, including contract negotiation, identifying and addressing aggressive business practices, sub-optimal care standards, and patient record retention. The new resource page will include three briefs:
- Partnering with a Third-Party TelePrEP Program: Patient Record Retention Compliance Strategies
- Partnering with a Third-Party TelePrEP Program: Evaluation Considerations and Decision-Making Tool
- Partnering with a Third-Party TelePrEP Program: Protective Contracting Best Practices: Operational Considerations
For questions, contact PrEP@NASTAD.org. NASTAD is supporting this work with funding from CDC PS19-1906 Component A.