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Podcast - Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community

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About the Podcast

Southern Steep is a public health and social justice podcast that centers the voices of community leaders in the southern United States. Conversations highlight innovative approaches to unapologetic leadership, meaningful partnerships, and thriving communities.

After four successful seasons, the Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community podcast released its last episode on June 7, 2024. Episodes will remain available and can be accessed below, wherever you stream your favorite podcasts, or on YouTube.


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Season 4 Episodes

Season 4 | Episode 9: A Strong Cup of Communi-tea


On the series finale of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community, current and former cohosts go down memory lane, sharing reflections on previous season clips, the rich conversations had with guests, and the podcast overall. The hosts share what they have loved and learned throughout this journey as well as their continued hopes for the South. Ultimately wishing for the South to keep Southing. Thank you for listening along these last four seasons! Stay tuned for what's to come. Cheers!

Season 4 | Episode 8: Compassionate Love and Care


In this episode of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community, co-hosts Shanice Bailey and Nicole Elinoff are joined by Raymond Velazquez, Director of Prevention for the Western North Carolina AIDS Project, and Alison Gaye, a Senior Manager on NASTAD's Drug User Health Team. Ray and Alison discuss the paths that led them to doing essential harm reduction work in the South, their personal philosophies on harm reduction, and the importance of centering community, care, and compassion in this work.


Season 4 | Episode 7: Reducing Harm Through Education


In this episode of Southern Steep, co-hosts Rodderick and Jacobi learn about Corey Haskett's path towards becoming the Harm Reduction Program Coordinator at US helping US, People Into Living. Corey talks about the importance of syringe services programs, mental health, and providing proper sex education to priority populations.


Season 4 | Episode 6: Southern CBO Summit 2024


On this special episode of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community, Nicole, and Jacobi speak with attendees of NASTAD's second-annual Southern CBO Summit, which took place in San Antonio, Texas, January 17-19, 2024. This dynamic episode features Noah Baker (Delaware HIV Consortium), Dexter Davis (Urban League of Hampton Roads), Yvonne Arizpe (Legacy Community Health), & William Wheaton (Positive Impact Health Centers), summit attendees from four impactful community-based organizations in the South, covering Virginia, Houston, Georgia, and Delaware (yes, CDC defines Delaware as being in the South). Learn more about their organizations, what partnership means to them, and what they took away from participating in this year's Southern CBO summit.


Learn more about the CBOs in this episode below, and stay connected with NASTAD to learn more about future CBO summits.

Season 4 | Episode 5: Learning and Growing


In this episode, co-hosts Jacobi and Rodderick share space with the wonderful Kyanna Parsons and learn about her professional journey into the field of HIV. Kyanna talks about having to unlearn biases and stigma surrounding HIV and how she’s made it her mission to address misconceptions to underserved communities.


Season 4 | Episode 4: Bowing Out and Building Capacity


In this episode, recorded on World AIDS Day, co-hosts Justin and Shanice are joined by Leisha McKinley-Beach, Founder and CEO of the Black Public Health Academy. Now, on the brink of retirement, McKinley-Beach discusses her lifelong commitment to ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S., and her new venture that aims to forge intergenerational partnerships that cultivate opportunities for other passionate activists and advocates to hold the torch and lead the fight. This episode’s Southern Charm goes out to SisterLove, an organization, founded in 1989, as a volunteer group of women interested in educating Atlanta and especially communities of women about HIV prevention, self-help, and safer sex techniques.


Season 4 | Episode 3: Advocating Through Theater


In this episode, co-hosts Rodderick and Shanice join forces to converse with the talented AJ King. AJ is based out of Washington DC and is the Director of Intercultural Affairs at Howard University, as well as the Director of Street Outreach at Sasha Bruce Youthwork. Conversations center around AJ’s passion for theatre and the arts, and how they’ve helped him pave a way towards advocacy, social work, and self-love. This episode’s Southern Charm goes out to Supporting and Mentoring Youth Advocates and Leaders (SMYAL). Committed to social change, SMYAL builds, sustains, and advocates for programs, policies, and services that LGBTQ youth need as they grow into adulthood. SMYAL offers a variety of services for LGBTQ youth like housing, mental health, sexual health scholarships, and more.


Season 4 | Episode 2: Driving the Train of Change


Justin and Nicole are back and joined by the Queen Bee of Let's BEEHIVE, Inc., Dr. Andrea Dunn. Dr. Dunn is buzzing all around Central Florida: creating impactful partnerships, engaging in research, educating Black women about PrEP through the "She is PrEPalicious!®" campaign, and bridging the gap between pharmacists and HIV prevention work. The conversation is rich and one you won't want to miss. This episode's Southern Charm highlights the Atlanta Black Women Leaders on PrEP, a coalition founded in 2017, to raise women’s awareness about PrEP. NASTAD recently collaborated on a two-part webinar series centering Black Women Researchers and PrEP.


Season 4 | Episode 1: Creating New Norms


Southern Steep is back for Season 4, kicking it off with an amazing guest, Joelle Espeut, Director of Programming of The Normal Anomaly Initiative, Inc., a Houston-based organization centering Black, queer plus persons to overcome barriers, end stigma and problematic narratives to actualize a new normal. Nicole is joined by a new co-host, Justin, and the pair dive into discussions on creating new norms, cultivating partnerships, celebrating community strengths and joy, addressing social determinants of health, and more. This episode's Southern Charm highlights the TRUTH Project. Based in Houston, the Telling Real Unapologetic Through Healing (T.R.U.T.H.) Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to educate and mobilize LGBTQ communities of color and their allies through social arts that promote mental, emotional, and sexual health.


Season 3 Episodes

Episode 12 - Prevention that Supports Desire


In Season Three’s season finale, co-hosts Rodderick and Nicole have the delight of speaking with two guests, Mahelet Kebede (NASTAD) and Kelly Ross-Davis (1917 Clinic). Conversations go from defining trauma, trauma-informed approaches (TIA), and healing-centered engagement, to how trauma impacts folks living with and impacted by HIV in the South, to the importance of utilizing sex-positive language and moving away from “risk-based” language. Mahelet shares some different resources available through NASTAD’s updated trauma-informed approaches toolkit and Kelly speaks to how her clinic has worked to be more trauma-informed.

This episode's Southern Charm highlights the Magic City Wellness Center located in Birmingham, Alabama. They offer many services, including primary care, Hormone Replacement Therapy, PrEP, mental health counseling, and more. To learn more about the Magic City Wellness Center go to:

We hope you’ve enjoyed this season of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community and look forward to being back with you in the Fall!


View the Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit: Addressing Trauma and Supporting Healing within the HIV Care Delivery System here.

Episode 10 - Storytelling Meets Advocacy


On this episode of Southern Seep, Rodderick, and Jacobi take a dive into the intersection of art, healing, health education, and advocacy with the founder and director of Brave Soul Collective (BSC), Monte J. Wolfe. BSC is a DC-based multi-disciplinary arts, education, and HIV/AIDS outreach organization working to illuminate the lives of LGBTQIA+ people of color through the performing and healing arts. Through BSC, Monte integrates storytelling into advocacy to amplify the voices of the most marginalized communities. During this episode, we discussed artist collaboration, the link between art and advocacy, and the importance of mentorship. Stay tuned to the end of the episode where Monte graces Southern Seep with a monologue performance titled “Sacrifice”.


Highlighted in this episode's Southern Charm segment is Breaking Ground, a unique program that utilizes the theatre and performing arts to detail the lives, challenges, and journeys of LGBTQIA + of color in the DC Metro area. They explore in-depth issues such as HIV/AIDS, sexuality, racism, transphobia, abuse, mental health, and substance abuse. Participants then courageously develop a musical theatre production addressing these topics that directly reflect their experiences.

Episode 9 - He, Him, and His Equity 


Southern Steeper’s Jacobi Hunter-Wright and Nicole Elinoff come together to talk prevention, equity, access, and how trans-masculine identified communities are operationalizing leadership not only in the South but across the landscape. Ty and Lee explore how the intersections of their personal and professional endeavors impact how they approach their communities and work. This discussion centers Trans-equity, and the need for additional resources, and provides the lens of trans-communities fighting for health equity and accessible resources and opportunities.


This episode's Southern Charm features the Georgia Harm Reduction Coalition. GHRC’s, formerly AHRC, mission expresses that they engage directly with grassroots advocacy, research, and direct services to those made vulnerable by drug use, sex work, overdose, gender, STIs, HIV, Hepatitis, and other communicable diseases. To learn more about their work and how to support visit

Episode 8 - Reflections from the 2023 Southern CBO Summit 


In this special episode of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community, Nicole, and Isaiah speak with attendees of NASTAD's first-ever Southern CBO Summit, which took place in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in January. This dynamic episode features  Dexter Davis (LGBT Life Center), E. Lee Dyer IV (BONDS), Dean Edwards (PALSS), & Malcolm Reid (THRIVESS), summit attendees from four impactful community-based organizations in the South, covering Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia. Learn more about their organizations, what leadership means to them, and what they took away from participating in this year's inaugural Southern CBO summit. Save the date for 2024's Southern CBO Summit, taking place January 17-19, 2024, location to be announced.


Learn even more about the work Dexter, Malcolm, Dean, and Lee are doing by visiting their organization's website listed below.

Episode 7 - Putting Gender-Affirming Care into Practice


This episode starts with Southern Steep host Isaiah calling Rodderick out on channeling Barbara Walters with his check-in question. Together they interviewed special guest Dietz on patient navigation and gender-affirming care. Dietz (any pronoun used with respect) is a transgender health educator, trainer, and consultant who has specialized in the field of healthcare navigation in various iterations since 2012. Dietz specializes in expanding and improving transgender and gender non-conforming healthcare access and best practices throughout the South, and strives to strengthen community coalitions through shared compassion, courage, and expressions of liberatory joy. This episode took a dive into gender-affirming care, collaboration, pulling resources together, and sharing strategies and solutions.

For this month’s Southern Charm we highlighted, Crescent Care formerly known as NO/AIDS Task Force. Crescent Care is a federally qualified health center in New Orleans, Louisiana that brings caregivers and the community together as partners in health and wellness for all. They offer wrap-around services including primary medical care, dental care, behavioral health, case management, PrEP/PEP, food for friends pantry, gender-affirming services, and much more

Episode 6 - Community Engagement, Reimagined 


As part of its CDC-funded Capacity Building Assistance (CBA) project, NASTAD released Re-envisioning Community Engagement: A Practical Toolkit to Empower HIV Prevention Efforts with Marginalized Communities, in the summer of 2022. The toolkit was the culmination of a yearlong project aimed at enhancing community engagement efforts in the southern United States, and is inclusive of NASTAD’s collaboration with many community leaders across several jurisdictions. Project lead Kristina Santana, Senior Manager for Prevention at NASTAD, joins the podcast to discuss how the project came together, and why the toolkit has proved so useful to community-based organizations. You can download the toolkit here.

Episode 5 - The Children Are Our Future


On this episode of Southern Steep, Bianca, and our newest host, Rodderick, interview the Assistant Director of Health Services at JASMYN, Christina Woodhouse. JASMYN is an organization that works with LGBTQIA+ teens and young adults to provide HIV/STI testing, PrEP, housing support, and mental health services in Jacksonville, Florida. This episode covers various topics, including mental health, body autonomy, youth homelessness, and public health nerds. Christina shares her strategy to work with youth effectively by meeting them where they are. She also discussed the importance of representation and allowing space for youth needs to be heard and seen. Christina talked about maintaining boundaries in practicing self-care with herself and her staff while doing intensive community work.


We highlight the Community Health and Empowerment Network in Miami, Florida, for the Southern Charm. The Community Health and Empowerment Network is a not-for-profit organization that provides health education, screening services, and resources to low-income and underserved individuals, aiming to help bridge health gaps in the community to reduce health disparities in Southern Florida.

Episode 4 - Invest in the Girls 


On this episode of Southern Steep, Nicole and previous hostess with the mostess, Justine, speak to Mulan Montrese Williams. This episode covers a wide range of topics, including pageantry, sex work, housing, and ultimately the importance of investing in other Black, Trans Women and Black, Trans-led organizations. Mulan shares more about her work with Divas in Dialogue, a sisterhood of trans women of color empowering, building, and strengthening each other, and how she is making a difference in her community. Mulan was recently featured in a NASTAD video titled, Our Story, Our Resilience, which can be watched here. To learn more about Divas in Dialogue and ways to support their organization visit here


This episode's Southern Charm highlights the Unspoken Treasure Society, founded in June 2018 by Ms. Regina Livingston, a Black transgender woman who recognized a lack of support and resources for Transgender and Gender non-conforming (TGNC) people, particularly TGNC people of color. To learn more about the Unspoken Treasure Society, visit

Episode 3 - She, Her, and Equity (the real pronouns) 


Southern Steepers Jacobi Hunter-Wright and Bianca Ward come together to talk prevention, equity, housing, and how women are operationalizing leadership in the South. A true Florida gal, D’Metris explores her humble beginnings in the work as she explores her experiences in the South fighting for health equity and accessible housing.


This episode's Southern Charm highlights B.E.A.T. AIDS, which stands for “Black Effort Against the Threat of AIDS.” BEAT AIDS expresses that their commitment to excellence is met by their ability to meet people where they are: whether recovering and desiring change or homeless, incarcerated, abused/neglected, isolated, or actively addicted. To learn more about their work and how to support visit

Episode 2 - A Louisiana Special 


In this episode, Isaiah and Nicole speak with S. Mandisa Moore, Executive Director of the Center for HIV Law and Policy (CHLP), a national research and advocacy organization. Mandisa shares more about her background and what brought her to this work, her and CHLPs investment in the South, and provides an overview of the state of HIV criminalization in the Southern region. As an added bonus-- Isaiah and Mandisa bond over both being Louisianans, creating another Louisianan connection for Isaiah. To learn more about the Center for HIV Law and Policy, visit


Keeping with the Louisiana theme, this episode's Southern Charm highlights TIDAL NOLA. TIDAL: Transgender Inclusive Development Advocacy and Learning, is based in New Orleans and are a trans-led collective of community members, healthcare providers, students, and educators in the Gulf South, united in their commitment to trans-liberation through equitable healthcare and healing. To learn more about TIDAL NOLA, visit

Episode 1 - 2023 Welcomes Season 3


The Southern Steep team reunites for a third season, bringing back some familiar voices and welcoming a new host! The team shares their wishes for season 3, their why for doing this work, and what listeners can expect for this season. The team also learns more about Rodderick's potato salad. We hope you enjoy season 3.

This episode's Southern Charm highlights The Normal Anomaly Initiative, a Houston-based organization centering Black, queer plus persons to overcome barriers, end stigma and problematic narratives to actualize a new normal. To learn more about The Normal Anomaly Initiative, visit


This episode was recorded at the end of 2022, since then, MPV has been named Mpox, the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers did not make it to the Super Bowl, and Southern Steep Live did indeed happen-- episode to come.

Season 2 Episodes

Episode 12 - Stop the Silos


Nicole and Jacobi finally co-host together! In this episode, the dynamic duo speaks with Samantha Daley, Development Coordinator for BYP100, a member-based organization of Black youth activists creating justice and freedom for all Black people. Samantha shares her passion for movement organizing, her love for reproductive justice, and her work with ARC Southeast-- raising funds for more equitable abortion access. The group discusses the importance of meaningful youth engagement and why we need to stop the silos in reproductive justice work. This episode's Southern Charm highlights SisterLove, Inc., located in both Atlanta, GA, and South Africa.


Episode 11 - Lifeline


In this episode, co-hosts Bianca and Nicole have a heartfelt and powerful conversation with Alex Bradley, Outreach and Community Education Manager at Honoring Individual Power and Strength (HIPS). Alex shares the wealth of services and support that HIPS have been providing to the community for decades and the essential work of faithful volunteers. They discuss the beauty and the delightful chaos of "The Van" and how it has been a lifeline to everyone that has come in contact with it, clients and staff alike. This episode is dedicated in loving memory to Maurice "Moe" Abbey Bey (12/6/1957 - 04/05/2021). This episode's Southern Charm highlights Gender Benders, located in Piedmont, South Carolina.


Episode 10 - From Law to Leadership


In this episode, co-hosts Bianca and Isaiah speak with Dafina Ward, JD, Executive Director of Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC), to discuss her leadership journey as a Black woman in the South, the care and support she has offered her staff throughout the pandemic, and the role and impact that SAC plays in the South as a convener of critical conversations. Dafina shares her great pride in the formation of Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day(SHAAD) and SAC's commitment to supporting and funding emerging organizations in the South doing extraordinary work. This episode's Southern Charm highlights Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services, located in Columbia, South Carolina. 


Episode 9 - Passion in the Panhandle


In this episode, co-hosts Nicole and Vrushabh speak with Jermaine Daniels and Derrick Robinson from BASIC NWFL. Located in the Florida Panhandle, Jermaine and Derrick discuss the charms and challenges of being in a rural setting, including transportation barriers and the telehealth opportunities brought by the pandemic. This episode's Southern Charm highlights OASIS Florida, another organization in the Florida Panhandle.


Episode 8 - A Retrospective on NASTAD's Community Ties


In commemoration of NASTAD's 30th anniversary, Deputy Executive Director Natalie Cramer joins podcast co-hosts Nicole and Isaiah to discuss the organization's long-running ties to community and the grassroots. As NASTAD's longest-tenured staffer, Natalie recounts how the organization has evolved over time and how it has refined its technical assistance approach. NASTAD's latest efforts to address social justice and antiracism are discussed, and Isaiah recalls how this work is actually a continuation of the organization's willingness to tackle difficult challenges.


  • To learn more about NASTAD, Incorporated, please go to

Episode 7 - Curating the Future


In this special episode, Season One's host, Torrian, attends the National African American MSM Leadership Conference on Health Disparities and Social Justice hosted by NAESM, Incorporated in Los Angeles, California. During this episode, Torrian speaks to Malcolm Reid of the Silver Lining Project—a program birthed out of THRIVE SS— and Dr. Alvan Quamina, Executive Director of NAESM, Incorporated. These conversations center the work of each organization in Atlanta, GA, and delve into the triumphs, the challenges, the twists, and the turns of organizing an in-person conference during a pandemic. Most importantly, however, this episode highlights the resiliency of Black-led organizations doing vital community work in the South.


Episode 6 - Advocacy Within Our DNA


In this episode, Bianca and Justine give well-deserved flowers and appreciation to Ms. Gina Brown, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement, at Southern AIDS Coalition. As the daughter of a Black Panther, she was born into advocacy. Gina speaks candidly about how she’s opening the doors for other women living with HIV, keys to successful community engagement, and offers authentic self-care and burnout prevention tips. This episode’s Southern Charm highlights the work of AcadianaCares, located in Lafayette, LA.


Episode 5 - A Seat at the Table


In this episode, Jacobi, along with co-host Bianca Ward, speaks with Human Rights Campaign's Tori Cooper on the personal experiences that have influenced her professional mission. Tori discusses the past, the present, and the future, and her work in health equity, advocacy within the Presidental Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS (PACHA) and HRC, trans-centralized services and justice, and her hopes for the South. The conversation explores why and how her voice of reason dictates the shift towards much-needed dialogue supporting the rights of Black transgender women and their needs. Her seat at the table extends her voice and influence within and throughout countless spaces nationally, and she explores the intentionality behind that influence. This episode's "Southern Charm" segment highlights Abounding Prosperity, Inc. This nonprofit organization was founded in November 2005 in response to social and health disparities devastating Black men and their families in Dallas County.


Episoide 4 - Being Called to the Tent


In this episode, co-hosts Nicole and Isaiah speak with NASTAD's very own, Lillie Armstrong, and Rev. Michelle Mathis on harm reduction in North Carolina. Michelle talks about how she was spiritually called to the tent leading her to quit her full-time job, establish Olive Branch Ministry, and focus on harm reduction work that "extend hope and extend life through nonjudgmental interactions" throughout ten counties in North Carolina. This episode's "Southern Charm" segment highlights North Carolina AIDS Action Network. This nonprofit organization leverages outreach and public education, policy advocacy, and community building to improve the lives of people living with HIV and affected communities in North Carolina.


  • To learn more about Olive Branch Ministry, visit Feel free to connect with them on Facebook and other social media platforms.
  • To learn more about the North Carolina AIDS Action Network, visit

Episode 3 - We Bought the Block


In this episode, Justine and Nicole learn more about Kayla Gore, Co-Founder/Director of Programs at My Sistah's House, and her journey from a local Memphis Trans-led nonprofit leader to purchasing land trusts to facilitate homeownership for Black Trans Women experiencing homelessness in Memphis, Tennessee, The Tiny House Project.


Episode 2 - The Spirit of Acadiana


After decades of working in the HIV/AIDS field, Claude Martin, chief executive officer of Acadiana Cares in Lafayette, Louisiana, reflects on the evolution of the continuum of care. Martin recalls how he initially began this work – when hotlines were routed to homes, and car trunks constituted offices. He talks about how rural communities like his are responding to COVID-19 and still struggling with stigma and homophobia. Acadiana Cares has a longstanding housing program for people living with HIV; Martin shares lessons learned from setting up that successful initiative. "Acadiana" is the official name given to the French Louisiana region that has historically contained much of the state's Francophone population; it encompasses 22 parishes and covers more than 14,000 square miles. Acadiana Cares is one of several HIV community-based organizations operating throughout the region.


Episode 1 - We're Back


The Southern Steep team is back for Season 2, and the hosts have a lot in store for you! In this episode, we welcome our new hosts to the pod, share what to expect this season, and discuss the South's resiliency. We hope you enjoy this new season.


Season 1 Episodes

Episode 14 - A Look Back

In the finale of season 1, Bianca, Isaiah, Nicole, and Torrian share their favorite moments from the first 13 episodes. Bianca recalls Erin Snowden’s steely determination from Episode 12. Isaiah revealed how his blooper during Episode 7 led to his favorite moment of the season. Nicole was moved by Justine Ingram’s devotion to community service from Episode 10. And Torrian discussed why his favorite moment, from Episode 5, involved all the co-hosts.

Episode 13 - Empowered Women, Empower Women

Dedra Spears-Johnson and Shawnte’ Spriggs of Heart to Hand, Inc are fierce, phenomenal women with a vision for Maryland (yes, Maryland is in the South). The synergistic duo joins hosts Bianca and Nicole for a conversation on transformational leadership, the value of advocacy, and their beginnings in the HIV movement.

Episode 12 - Born For This

Director of Data and Analytics at Mamatoto Village, Erin Snowden, shares her authentic and powerful journey in maternal health and the definition of “heart work.” Erin speaks passionately with hosts Bianca and Nicole about the impact of perinatal community birth workers on the lives of Black women and children and the power of data to tell true stories of what is happening in the Black community.

Episode 11 - Keeping the Faith with MBK

In a wide-ranging conversation, Mauda Monger of My Brother’s Keeper, Inc. joins Nicole and Isaiah to discuss lessons learned from providing technical assistance in the South, and the importance of community voices in advocating for the COVID-19 vaccine. The episode also discusses why “hard to reach populations” is a turn of phrase overdue for retirement, and why Black and Brown communities still need nuanced information about PrEP services.

Episode 10 - Justine for Mayor!

A powerful woman with a vision, while wearing many hats, Justine Ingram is making an impact in the South. Justine joins hosts Torrian and Nicole for a conversation on housing, the importance of investing in Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) communities, future plans, and her recent big news! 

Episode 9 - Driven By Mercy

Activist. Educator. Entrepreneur. Khadijah Abdullah, founder of Reaching All HIV+ Muslims in America (RAHMA) and the National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, shares how her belief in mercy and compassion has been the driving force behind her work and advocacy. Khadijah talks to hosts Bianca and Isaiah about how she has been using her voice to uplift the community during the pandemic while balancing herself and her family's needs.  

Episode 8 - Speaking Truth to Power

In a much-needed, refreshing conversation, co-hosts Bianca and Nicole spend time with social justice warrior, Rose Hornedo. Rose speaks truth to power on mental health, harm reduction, advocacy, and the many incredible programs Metro Inclusive Health has to offer.

Episode 7 - Mobilizing Communities, Bridging Gaps

Activist. Advocate. Virgo. Executive Director, Mobilizing Our Brothers Initiative, Incorporated. DaShawn Usher joins Torrian and Isaiah to give insight into his journey working with Black and Latinx LGBTQ communities, how MOBI came to be, and the innovative MOBI approach to mobilizing communities of color and bridging gaps to improve the health outcomes for Black and Latinx LGBTQ communities.

Episode 6 - Joining Hands with The Commission

Co-hosts Isaiah and Nicole sit down with co-collaborators in the South, the Latino Commission on AIDS, to discuss two of their programs: Hands United and Latinos in the South. The most guests on the podcast yet, conversations center on language justice, collaborations in the South, capacity building, and their respective journeys in the work.

Episode 5 - Meet The Co-Hosts

For the very first time, all four co-hosts: Bianca (Capricorn/Leo), Nicole (Scorpio/Aquarius), Torrian (Virgo/Virgo), and Isaiah (Aries/Scorpio), join the same podcast to discuss how it all came together and why. The quartet discusses their hosting styles, their Southern charms, and the many NASTAD resources available to community-based organizations.

Episode 4 - Steeped in Manifestation

Richard Hutchinson, Co-founder and Executive Director of He Is Valuable Incorporated, joins Bianca and Torrian to discuss how He Is Valuable's many programs address the ever-present challenges in the South, the concept of "radical visibility" to empower Black gay men, and the power of declarations when manifesting the world around you.

Episode 3 - The Pride of Alabama

Veteran; public health advocate; public servant. Neil Rafferty, director of Birmingham Comprehensive High Impact Prevention (B-CHIP) for Birmingham AIDS Outreach, wears many hats. Neil talks to hosts Nicole and Isaiah about why he continues to devote his public service efforts to Alabama, and what led to his decision to seek (and win!) a seat in the Alabama House of Representatives. The hosts even had some suggestions for Neil on potential categories for his next ball walk.

Episode 2 - CommuniTEA Investment

On this episode of Southern Steep, podcast hosts Nicole and Torrian talk with Daniel J. Downer, Founder and Executive Director of the Bros in Convo Initiative, on being a Black queer man leading a community-based organization in the South, the importance of investing in the community, and how the Bros in Convo Initiative is intentionally investing in the community of Central Florida.

Episode 1 - The Inaugural Brew

On this inaugural episode of Southern Steep, podcast hosts Bianca and Isaiah talk with Ashley Tarrant of Medical Advocacy and Outreach (MAO) on her work as Chief Operating Officer and how she discovered her "calling" as a doula in the Montgomery, AL community.

Meet the Hosts

Shanice Bailey

Torrian Baskerville

Nicole Elinoff

Jacobi Hunter-Wright

Justine Ingram

Justin Lofton

Vrushabh Shah

Rodderick Sheppard

Bianca Ward

Isaiah Webster