Southern Region CDR Video Series

The Southern Region Cluster Detection and Response (CDR) animated video series breaks down multiple foundational components of HIV cluster detection and response (CDR) work. The series discusses complexities surrounding this public health strategy in a digestible, basic manner and aims to educate staff members at health departments and community-based organizations (CBOs) new to CDR concepts. Health departments and CBOs can also utilize these videos as an engagement and education tool for their community members and stakeholder groups.

A version with embedded captions is linked under each video’s description.

What is an HIV Cluster?

This video defines the term “cluster” in a public health context, explains why health departments need to know about HIV clusters, emphasizes the importance of HIV testing and treatment, and details the importance of detecting HIV clusters.

For best quality, watch in 1080p HD.

To watch this video with embedded captions, please click here

How Do Health Departments Detect HIV Clusters?

This video outlines the four main ways health departments learn about HIV clusters and explains the basic process and data sources used for each method.

For best quality, watch in 1080p HD.

To watch this video with embedded captions, please click here

How Do Southern Health Departments, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and Healthcare Providers Respond to HIV Clusters?

This video details the services and response activities that Southern health departments, CBOs, and healthcare providers may take when responding to HIV clusters. It demonstrates how each public health and healthcare system entity plays a unique role in cluster response efforts.

For best quality, watch in 1080p HD.

To watch this video with embedded captions, please click here

What is HIV Surveillance Data and How Do Southern Health Departments Protect It?

This video defines the phrase “HIV surveillance data,” discusses its purpose in cluster detection and response work, and details the methods and reasons for protecting this data.

For best quality, watch in 1080p HD.

To watch this video with embedded captions, please click here

How Does CDR Work Help End the HIV Epidemic in the South?

This video focuses on how CDR work contributes to Ending the HIV Epidemic efforts in Southern communities and beyond by explaining the EHE initiative and how CDR work connects to each of its four pillars.

For best quality, watch in 1080p HD.

To watch this video with embedded captions, please click here